Korišćenjem rukovaoca tastature (Keyboard Manager) upravljate dodelom prečica za JAWS komande. Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager) skladišti dodeljene prečice u "key map" datotekama, koji imaju ekstenziju .jkm. Obično se prečice dodeljuju u skriptama za vreme pisanja skripti pomoću rukovaoca skripti (Script Manager). Možete da koristite rukovaoca tastature (Keyboard Manager) za prikaz, dodavanje, promenu ili brisanje dodeljenih prečica.

Ekran rukovaoca tastature (Keyboard Manager) sadrži levo i desno okno. Pritisnite TAB i SHIFT+TAB da se pomerate između ova dva okna. Pritisnite UP i DOWN ARROW da se pomerite gore i dole sa obe strane rukovaoca (manager).

Za spisak svih raspoloživih tastaturnih komandi u rukovaocu tastature (Keyboard Manager), pogledajte Dodatak B: Komande rukovaoca tastature (Keyboard Manager-a) .


Poglavlje 2.0 Rukovaoc tastature, sadrži sledeće sekcije:

2.1 Pokretanje rukovaoca tastature

2.2 Datoteke rukovaoca tastature

2.3 Levo okno rukovaoca tastature

2.4 Desno okno rukovaoca tastature

2.5 Pronalaženje prečica

2,6 Pregled dokumentacije skripte

2.7 Dodavanje, promena i uklanjanje prečica

2.8 Opcije rukovaoca tastature

2.9 Vežbe



2.1 Pokretanje rukovaoca tastature (Keyboard Manager)

Pritisnite INSERT+F2 da bi ste pokrenuli JAWS-ov dijalog rukovaoca (manager), zatim pritisnite K, a zatim ENTER.

Kada pokretete rukovaoca tastature u okviru aplikacije, rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager) automatski otvara "key map" datoteku za tu aplikaciju.

Kada pokretete rukovaoca tastature iz alatnog (Utilities) menija JAWS-ovog interfejsa, rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager) automatski otvara podrazumevanu (default) "key map" datoteku.

Nakon što ste pokrenuli rukovaoca tastature, JAWS odabira odgovarajuće ime "key map" datoteke u levom oknu rukovaoca.

Kada pokrenete rukovaoca tastature iz aplikacije, možete da otvorite podrazumevanu (default) "key map" datoteku pritiskom CTRL+SHIFT+D .

<- Nazad na početak: Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager)


2.2 Datoteke rukovaoca tastature

Rukovaoc tastature koristi dva tipa "key map" datoteka:

  • Podrazumevani (Default)
  • Aplikacija (Application)

Sve "key map" datoteke imaju ekstenziju .jkm.

Podrazumevana ('default') "key map" datoteka sadrži dodeljene prečice podrazumevane datoteke skripte. JAWS učitava podrazumevanu "key map" datoteku u memoriju svaki put kada pokrenete JAWS. Podrazumevani skup dodeljenih prečica su vam uvek na raspolaganju za korišćenje.

Aplikativna "key map" datoteka sadrži dodeljene prečice skripte u datoteci skripte. Sve aplikativne "key map" datoteke imaju isti naziv kao i datoteka skripte. Na primer, naziv datoteke skripte za Microsoft® Word 2007 je Microsoft Word 2007.jss. Prema tome, "key map" datoteka za Word je Microsoft Word.jkm. Pogledajte Imenovanje JAWS datoteka podešavanja za više informacija o tome kako JAWS izvodi imena za "key map" datoteke.

Kada na svom računaru imate aktivnu neku aplikaciju plus JAWS, JAWS koristi obe "key map" datoteke (i aplikativnu i podrazumevanu) tako da su oba skupa dodeljenih prečica dostupna.

Kod onih aplikacija gde i aplikativna i podrazumevana "key map" datoteka dele iste dodeljene prečice, prilikom pritiska tasterske kombinacije kojoj je dodeljena prečica u obe datoteke, prednost ima prečica definisana u aplikativnoj "key map" datoteci.

<- Nazad na početak: Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager)


2.3 Levo okno rukovaoca tastature

Levo okno rukovaoca tastature sadrži spisak svih aplikativnih "key map" plus podrazumevana datoteka po abecednom redu. Možete da koristite STRELICA GORE i STRELICA DOLE tastere da se krećete kroz spisak datoteka. Takođe, možete da otkucate početno slovo i izaberete prvu datoteku sa spiska. Svaki put kada ponovo otkucate slovo, birate sledeću datoteku sa spiska. Možete ovako da nastavite do imena datoteke koja vam treba. Rukovaoc tastature prikazuje sadržaj trenutno odabrane datoteke u desnom oknu rukovaoca.

Kada pronađete željenu "key map" datoteku, pritisnite TAB da bi ste prešli u desno okno i pregledali informacija koje su sadržane u toj datoteci.

<- Nazad na početak: Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager)


2.4 Desno okno rukovaoca tastature

Desno okno rukovaoca tastature prikazuje informacije iz trenutne "key map" datoteke u četiri kolone. Ove kolone su:

  • Naziv skripte
  • Prečica
  • Naziv "key map" datoteke
  • "Key map" sekcija

Možete da koristite STRELICA GORE i STRELICA DOLE tastere da se krećete kroz kolona sa informacijama. Kao i u levom oknu, možete koristiti prvo slovo imena da se pomerite na prvo ime skripte koje počinje tim slovom.

Naziv skripte

Prva kolona sadrži ime skripte. Ovo je je skripta koja bi se aktivirala kada se pritisne kombinacija tastera. Stvarni skript je sadržan u odgovarajućoj datoteci skripte sa istim imenom kao i izabrana "key map" datoteka koju pregledavate. Primeri naziva skripti su AdjustJAWSOptions, SaySystemTime i SayCharacter.


Druga kolona sadrži dodeljenu prečicu koja aktivira skript kada se komanda pritisne. As you move up or down the list of information, you may notice some script names that do not have keystroke assignments. In these cases, the Keyboard Manager displays "none." This indicates that either a keystroke assignment was never made, the script is used in conjunction with a Braille display and you do not have a Braille display, or the script was left over from a previous version of JAWS and is no longer used. Examples of keystrokes include: JAWS Key+V, JAWS Key+F12, and JAWS Key+NUM PAD 5.

Key Map File Name

The third column of information contains the name of the key map file in which the keystroke assignment is stored. When a keystroke assignment is located in the default key map file, then the Keyboard Manager displays "Default" in this column. The Keyboard Manager displays the application key map file name if the keystroke assignment is specific to that application.

Key Map Section Name

The fourth and final column of information contains the key map section. This is the section of the key map file in which the keystroke assignment is stored. When this column displays "common," then the keystroke assignment is available in both the desktop and laptop keyboard layouts. In cases where this column displays "desktop," then the keystroke assignment is only available when you are using the desktop keyboard layout. When this column displays "laptop," then the keystroke is only available when you are using the laptop keyboard layout. See 2.7 Adding Keystrokes for more information on assigning keystrokes to specific keyboard layouts.

<- Nazad na početak: Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager)


2.5 Pronalaženje prečica

You can use the Keyboard Manager to search for existing keystrokes. Before you write a script, you can search the application key map file to determine if the keystroke you have chosen for the new script is already assigned. If the application for which you are customizing JAWS does not have a key map file, then you can be sure the keystroke does not exist in the application key map file. However, the keystroke may exist in the default file so it is a good idea to check there as well.

The right hand pane of the manager must be active to search for a specific keystroke in the current key map file. You can either choose Find Keystroke… in the Action menu or press CTRL+F to display the Find Keystroke dialog. When the Keyboard Manager displays the Find Keystroke dialog, the Search for Key edit box is active. Press the keystroke for which you are searching. JAWS echoes the keystroke after you press it. Once you have entered the keystroke, press TAB to move to the group of radio buttons that allows you to search in the active or default key map file. If you do not change this option, the Keyboard Manager carries out the search in the active file. Press ENTER on the set of radio buttons or activate the Ok button by pressing SPACEBAR to begin the search.

When the Keyboard Manager finds the keystroke, the script name associated with the keystroke is selected. JAWS automatically speaks the highlighted information. The Keyboard Manager displays the Keystroke Not Found dialog when the keystroke is not found.

<- Nazad na početak: Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager)


2.6 Pregled dokumentacije skripte

As you browse the keystroke assignments in a key map file, you can view the script documentation for the script assigned to a given keystroke. The script documentation consists of the Synopsis (brief description of the script's purpose) and the Description (additional information about the script). See 5.2 The New Script Dialog for more information on adding script documentation.

You can view the documentation for the current script by choosing Documentation from the Action menu or by pressing CTRL+D. When the Script Documentation dialog opens, the script name edit box is active. Press TAB and SHIFT+TAB to move among the edit boxes contained within this dialog. You can press ESC to close the dialog when you are finished reviewing the script information.

<- Nazad na početak: Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager)


2.7 Dodavanje, promena i uklanjanje prečica

After you locate the desired script, you can use the Action menu to Add, Change, or Remove the keystroke assigned to this script. Freedom Scientific does not recommend changing keystroke assignments within key map files provided with JAWS. You should give careful consideration to the keystroke assignment before you change the keystroke. You should try to add a new keystroke instead of changing an existing keystroke assignment. You can add a new keystroke from the Action menu. When you add a keystroke, the Keyboard Manager does not replace the existing keystroke assignment. Rather, the Keyboard Manager creates an additional keystroke assignment for the same script. If more than one keystroke is assigned to a script, the script is listed once for each keystroke in the key map file.

When you delete a keystroke assignment from the key map file, the Keyboard Manager does not delete the associated script from the corresponding script file. Only the keystroke assignment is deleted.

Adding Keystrokes

You can add a keystroke to the key map file in one of two ways. You can choose Add Keystroke… from the Action menu or press CTRL+A to display the add Keystroke dialog.

When the Keyboard Manager displays the Add Keystroke dialog, the Assign To edit box is active. This edit box behaves exactly as the edit box used in the Find Keystroke dialog. Press the desired keystroke and the Keyboard Manager interprets this as the new keystroke you want to add. If you press a keystroke that is already in use, the Keyboard Manager displays a warning dialog box advising you that the keystroke is already in use. The warning dialog box also displays the key map file in which the keystroke is assigned. At this point, you should choose cancel and try another keystroke.

After you have pressed the new keystroke, press TAB to move to the assign Key To checkbox. The Keyboard Manager determines the label for this checkbox based on the keyboard layout you are using. This check box is checked by default. If you leave this checkbox checked, then the keystroke assignment is active for the current keyboard layout only. If you want to allow the keystroke assignment to be used within all keyboard layouts, then it is best to press SPACEBAR to clear this checkbox.

For example, when you are using the desktop keyboard layout the Keyboard Manager displays the label of Assign Key to DESKTOP Keys only. When you leave this checkbox checked, the keystroke is only available when the desktop keyboard layout is in use. When you assign a keystroke to a script using a keystroke combination that uses a key from the number pad, then the new keystroke is only available when the desktop keyboard layout is in use. Laptops typically do not have number pads. If you change to the laptop keyboard layout, the keystroke is no longer available. When you clear this checkbox, then the keystroke assignment is available in all keyboard layouts.

This checkbox determines what is displayed in the Key Map Section column of information shown in the right hand pane of the Keyboard Manager.

After you have determined the keyboard layout for which the keystroke will be available, press TAB to move to the Ok button. When you press SPACEBAR to activate the button, the Keyboard Manager displays the Confirm Add Keystroke dialog. When you press SPACEBAR to activate the Yes button, the Keyboard Manager adds your keystroke to the key map file. After the Keyboard Manager adds the keystroke information to the current key map file, the right hand pane of the manager is active.

Napomena: After you have added a keystroke, you do not need to save the current key map file. The Keyboard Manager saves the file after the new keystroke is written to the key map file.

Changing Keystrokes

As stated previously, you should use care when changing existing keystrokes. The only exception to the rule of changing keystroke assignments involves scripts that you have written. In this case, your scripts are not provided with JAWS and changing the assigned keystroke has no impact on the operation of JAWS.

To change a keystroke assignment, first locate the desired script. You can then choose Change Keystroke… from the Action menu or press CTRL+H to display the Change Keystroke dialog. Like the add Keystroke dialog discussed above, the Assign To edit box is active when the Keyboard Manager displays the change Keystroke dialog. Like the Assign To edit field in the Find Keystroke and Add Keystroke dialogs, this edit box accepts any keystroke you press. So do not try to use the say line command, or INSERT+UP ARROW, to reread the contents of this field. JAWS interprets any keystroke you press as the keystroke you want to add. When you press a keystroke that is already assigned, the Keyboard Manager displays the Keystroke in the Use dialog. You can choose to add the keystroke anyway, or press SPACEBAR to activate the Cancel button and clear the dialog.

After you have pressed the desired keystroke, press TAB to move to the Assign Key To checkbox. Again, the Keyboard Manager determines the label for this checkbox based on the keyboard layout currently in use. If you leave this checkbox checked, then the keystroke assignment is active for the current keyboard layout only. If you want to allow the keystroke assignment to be used within all keyboard layouts, then it is best to uncheck this checkbox.

When you press TAB from the Assign Key To checkbox, the OK button becomes active. You can activate this button with SPACEBAR. The Keyboard Manager displays the Confirm Change Keystroke dialog. The default button in this dialog is the Yes button. Press SPACEBAR to activate the button and confirm the keystroke change.

Removing Keystrokes

If you have previously added a new keystroke to a key map file, you can remove that keystroke as well. To remove a keystroke, select the keystroke and choose the Remove Keystroke option from the Action menu or press DELETE.

When you initiate the remove keystroke action, the Keyboard Manager displays the Confirm Remove Keystroke dialog. The default button in this dialog is the Yes button. If you want to remove the keystroke, press SPACEBAR to activate the Yes button, and confirm the removal of the keystroke.

Važno: You only remove the keystroke assignment from the key map file, not the attached script.

If you are removing a keystroke assignment you have added previously, then the entire entry is removed from the key map file. If the keystroke assignment you are removing is an existing keystroke assignment that came with JAWS, then you will see the word "none" placed in the keystroke column in the right hand pane of the Keyboard Manager.

<- Nazad na početak: Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager)


2.8 Opcije rukovaoca tastature

You can use the Options menu to change the way information in the right hand pane of the Keyboard Manager is displayed. You can sort the information based on a different column, filter out different types of keystrokes, turn off the confirmation messages, and assign the TAB, SHIFT+TAB, ENTER, and ESC keys to scripts.

When you access any of the items found within the Options menu, the Keyboard Manager displays the Options multi-page dialog. The active page corresponds to the option you selected. Press CTRL+TAB to move among the pages. The five pages contained within the dialog going from left to right are:

  • Key Filter
  • Messages
  • Sort
  • "Vrući taster" (Hot Key)
  • File Filter

Key Filter Options

You can use the Key Filter page to determine what keystrokes are displayed within the right hand pane of the Keyboard Manager. You can choose to display all, active, or application keystrokes only. You can also choose to display only those scripts that have keystrokes assigned, or those that do not. This page contains two sets of radio buttons. You can use the first set of radio buttons to filter keystroke information based on the actual keystroke. You can use the second group of radio buttons to filter out information based on the script to which the keystroke is assigned. The following sections discuss these options.

All Keystrokes

Use this option when you want to display all keystrokes from both the application and default key map files. When you choose this option, the contents of the key map file name column will contain either the name of the application-specific or default key map file name. This option allows you to see all keystrokes available within a given application.

Active Keystrokes

Use this option when you want to display only active keystroke assignments in both the application specific and the default key map files. If a keystroke is assigned in both the application and default key map files, only the application keystroke is active. JAWS always acts on the first keystroke it finds and it looks in the application key map file first.

This setting filters out duplicate keystrokes in the default key map file. For example, when you have a keystroke such as CTRL+G defined in both the application-specific and default key map files, the Keyboard Manager displays only the keystroke assignment in the application-specific file. For more information on application-specific keystrokes versus default keystrokes, see 3.2 Processing Keystrokes.

Application Keystrokes

Use this option when you want to display only keystrokes contained within the selected key map file. This is the default key filter option. For example, when you open the Keyboard Manager from within Microsoft Word 2007, the Keyboard Manager opens the Microsoft Word 2007.jkm key map file. This is the key map file for Word. The Keyboard Manager displays only those keystrokes that are specific to Microsoft Word in the right hand pane.

All Scripts

Use this option when you want to display all scripts contained within the selected key map file. Ovo je podrazumevana postavka. This option lists all scripts regardless of whether they have a keystroke assigned to them.

Scripts Assigned to Keys

Use this option when you want to display only scripts that are assigned to keystrokes. This option keeps any scripts with the word "none" shown in the keystroke column from being displayed. For example, when you are viewing the default key map file and you have not installed a Braille display, choosing this option keeps the keystrokes used in conjunction with a Braille display from being displayed. Scripts without keystroke assignments are also not displayed.

Messages Options

You can use the Messages page of the Options multipage dialog to turn off the notification messages displayed each time you make a change to the selected key map file. By default, the Keyboard Manager displays these messages each time you add, change, or remove a keystroke from the selected key map file. This page contains only a single checkbox. You can clear this check box by pressing SPACEBAR.

Sorting Options

You can use the Sort page of the multi-page Options dialog to determine the column for which information is to be sorted. By default, the Keyboard Manager displays all keystroke information sorted by the script name.

This page contains a single group of radio buttons that you can use to change the sort option. Use your arrow keys to select the column that you would like to sort by.

HotKey Options

You can use the HotKey page of the Options multipage dialog to assign the TAB, SHIFT+TAB, ESC, and ENTER keys to scripts contained within the selected key map file. Each hot key has a check box, that when checked, allows you to assign the key to a script. Once you have assigned one of these hot keys to a script, the keystroke no longer performs its normal function. For example, when you check the TAB check box in the hot key page of the Options multipage dialog and assign it to a script, you can no longer use the TAB key to move from control to control within a dialog box. You should only use these keys as a last resort when all options for key assignments have been exhausted.

To assign one of these hot keys to a script, you must first check the appropriate check box for the desired key. Next, you can close the dialog by either pressing SPACEBAR on the OK button or by pressing ENTER on the check box for the desired key. After you have closed the Keyboard Manager Options multi page dialog, select the script or scripts for which the hot key will be assigned. Choose either the Add Keystroke or Change Keystroke item from the Action menu. Press the hot key when prompted by the dialog. After you confirm the modification to the selected key map file, your keystroke becomes active.

File Filter Options

You can use the File Filter page of the Options multipage dialog to indicate which set of key map files JAWS should display in the Keyboard Manager. This page contains a single group of radio buttons that you can use to change the file filter option. Use your arrow keys to select the type of key map files you want to display in the Keyboard Manager. You can choose from active, user only or shared files. The following sections discuss these options

Active Files

Use this option to display all key map files currently in use. If both a shared and user version of the same key map file exist, only the user-specific file is displayed. This is the default file filter option.

User Files

Use this option to display only those key map files that reside in the user folder on your system. These keystrokes override those in the shared key map files.

Shared Files

Use this option to display only those key map files that reside in the shared folder on your system.

<- Nazad na početak: Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager)


2.9 Vežbe

The following exercises give you practice in using many of the functions of the Keyboard Manager. The objective of the exercise is listed first.

Exercise 2.1: Finding a Keystroke

The objective of this exercise is to find a specific keystroke within the default key map file and view the corresponding script documentation.

  1. Press INSERT+F2 to display the Run JAWS Managers dialog.
  2. Type K to select the Keyboard Manager option followed by ENTER. This action starts the Keyboard Manager.
  3. Press INSERT+UP ARROW to read the current line. This is the current key map file. Did the selected key map file match the active application?
  4. Press CTRL+SHIFT+D to select the default key map file. The contents of the file are shown in the right hand pane of the Keyboard Manager.
  5. Press TAB to move to the right hand pane of the manager. How many items does JAWS tell you are contained in the list?
  6. Press CTRL+F to activate the Find Keystroke dialog.
  7. Press INSERT+F12. JAWS speaks the keystroke after you press it as JAWS KEY+F12. The keystroke is also shown in the Search for Key edit box.
  8. Press ENTER to begin the search. Did JAWS find the keystroke? Did JAWS read the script name, keystroke, key map file name and section? If you did not hear this information, press INSERT+UP ARROW to read the current line and repeat the information.
  9. Press CTRL+D to activate and display the Script Information dialog. Press TAB and SHIFT+TAB to move to and read the edit boxes contained in the dialog.
  10. Press ESCAPE to close the dialog after you have reviewed the script information.

Exercise 2.2: Adding a Keystroke

The objective of this exercise is to locate a specific keystroke in the default key map file and add a second keystroke to the script attached to that keystroke. If you already have the Keyboard Manager running, you can move to it by pressing ALT+TAB. If the Keyboard Manager is not running, then follow steps 1 through 3 in exercise 2.1 to start the Keyboard Manager and open the default key map file.

  1. Press CTRL+F to activate the Find Keystroke dialog.
  2. Press INSERT+F11. This is the keystroke for which we want to search. JAWS echoes the keystroke as you press it and JAWS KEY+F111 is placed in the Search for Key edit box.
  3. Press ENTER to begin the search. When JAWS finds the keystroke, the information is selected and spoken automatically by JAWS.

Napomena: If the keystroke was not found, then the Keystroke Not Found dialog is displayed.

  1. Press CTRL+A to activate the Add Keystroke dialog. The Assign To edit box is active.
  2. Press CTRL+F11. JAWS echoes the keystroke and CTRL+F11 is placed in the Assign To edit box.
  3. Press TAB to move to the Assign To X Keys Only check box where X represents the keyboard layout in use. If you are using the desktop layout then this is the Assign Key To Desktop Keys Only checkbox.
  4. Press SPACEBAR to uncheck the Assign Keys to X check box.
  5. Press ENTER to activate the Ok button in the Add Keystroke dialog. Since the default button is the Ok button, the dialog is closed. Next, the Confirm Add Keystroke dialog is displayed.
  6. Press SPACEBAR to activate the Yes button. The Confirm Add Keystroke dialog is closed and you are returned to the Keyboard Manager.
  7. Press INSERT+UP ARROW to read the current line. Did you hear the original keystroke information for INSERT+F11 spoken by JAWS?
  8. Press DOWN ARROW to move to the next entry in the list. Did you hear the new keystroke echoed by JAWS? If you want to repeat the information, press INSERT+UP ARROW to read the current line.

After you have completed the steps above, be sure to test both new and old keystrokes. Do they both work?

Exercise 2.3: Changing an Existing Keystroke

The objective of this exercise is to locate the keystroke we just added in the previous exercise and change it. You should still have the Keyboard Manager running with the default key map file open. If you closed the Keyboard Manager, follow steps 1 through 3 from exercise 2.1 to activate the Keyboard Manager and open the default key map file.

  1. Press CTRL+F to activate the Find Keystroke dialog. The focus is in the Search for Key edit box.
  2. Press CTRL+F11. This is the keystroke for which the search is carried out. JAWS speaks the keystroke and CTRL+F11 is displayed in the Search for Key edit box.
  3. Press ENTER to activate the Ok button. The find keystroke action is performed. When the keystroke is found, the keystroke information is spoken automatically by JAWS.
  4. Press CTRL+H to activate the Change Keystroke dialog. The Assign To edit box is active in this dialog.
  5. Press SHIFT+F11. This is the new keystroke. JAWS echoes the keystroke and SHIFT+F11 is placed in the assign To edit box.
  6. Press TAB to move to the Assign to X Keys Only check box, where X represents the keyboard layout in use. . If you are using the desktop layout, then this check box is labeled as Assign to Desktop Keys Only.
  7. Press SPACEBAR to uncheck the Assign to Desktop Keys Only checkbox.
  8. Press ENTER to activate the Ok button. The Change Keystroke dialog closes. The Confirm Change Keystroke dialog box is then displayed and the Yes button is active.
  9. Press SPACEBAR to activate the Yes button. The Confirm Change Keystroke dialog closes and you are returned to the Keyboard Manager.
  10. Press INSERT+UP ARROW to read the current line. What keystroke information was spoken by JAWS?
  11. Since the current keystroke entry is not the changed entry, press UP ARROW to move to the prior entry. Is this your new keystroke?

After you have followed the steps above, be sure to test both the old and new keystrokes. Do they both work as expected?

Exercise 2.4: Removing a Keystroke

The objective of this exercise is to find the keystroke we changed in the previous exercise and remove it. This will leave only the original keystroke to list the items in the system tray.

If the Keyboard Manager is not running already refer to steps 1 through 3 in exercise 2.1 to start the Keyboard Manager and open the default key map file.

  1. Press CTRL+F to activate the Find Keystroke dialog. The Search for key edit box is active.
  2. Press SHIFT+F11. This is the keystroke for which the search is carried out. JAWS echoes the keystroke and SHIFT+F11 is placed in the Search for Key edit box.
  3. Press ENTER to perform the Find Keystroke action. When the keystroke is found, the information is highlighted and spoken automatically by JAWS.
  4. Press DELETE to remove the keystroke. The Remove Keystroke dialog is displayed and the Yes button is active.
  5. Press SPACEBAR to activate the Yes button and close the Confirm Remove Keystroke dialog. The keystroke is removed from the default key map file.
  6. Press INSERT+UP ARROW to read the current line. Is the SHIFT+F11 keystroke gone? Is the default keystroke, INSERT+F11, the only keystroke displayed?

<- Nazad na početak: Rukovaoc tastature (Keyboard Manager)



Sve cene se za kupce iz Srbije obračunavaju u dinarima po srednjem kursu Narodne banke Srbije na dan izdavanja predračuna. PDV se dodatno obračunava. Gloria Ferrari doo maksimalno koristi sve svoje resurse da Vam svi artikli na sajtu budu prikazani sa ispravnim nazivima, opisima, fotografijama i cenama, ali nažalost ne možemo garantovati da su svi podaci na sajtu u potpunosti ispravni. Svi artikli prikazani na ovom sajtu su deo naše ponude i ne podrazumeva se da su svi dostupni u svakom trenutku na našem lageru. Tačne podatke sa rokovima isporuke dobijate u predračunu. Zadržavamo pravo promene cena svih proizvoda i usluga, bez prethodne najave na sajtu.