
Sadržaj ove stranice


  1. Stvaranje novog dokumenta.
  2. Čuvanje dokumenta
  3. Vraćanje prethodno sačuvanog.
  4. Otvaranje dokumenta
  5. Otvaranje drugog dokumenta
  6. Prebacivanje između dva otvorena FSEdit fajlova (datoteka).
  7. Kontinuirani Brajev mod
  8. Povezivanje na embosser (Brajev štampač)
  9. Štampanje dokumenta na Brajevom pismu
  10. Štampanje dokumenta
  11. Računarsko Brajevo pismo i Grade 2 (kratkopis) Brajevo pismo
  12. Označavanje naglašenog teksta
  13. Odabir i označavanje (markiranje) teksta.
  14. Iseci (Cut) tekst.
  15. Kopiranje (Copy) tekst
  16. Nalepi (Paste) tekst
  17. Obriši tekst
  18. Nađi
  19. Zameni
  20. Formatiranje (oblikovanje) dokumenta
  21. Unošenje teksta.
  22. Provera načina pisanja.
  23. Uređivanje Korisničkog rečnika (User Dictionary).
  24. Prebrojavanje reči.
  25. Položaj pokazivača.
  26. Pomeri položaj pokazivača

FSEdit aplikacija za obradu teksta i možete je koristiti za stvaranje i uređivanje dokumenata. Za razliku od Mobilnog Worda ili Notesa(Beležnice), FSEdit je napravljen specijalno za slepe korisnike. Među njegovim prijateljskim i praktičnim mogućnostima, naći ćete da vam FSEdit omogućava rad sa fajlovima (datoteka) pisanih Brajevim kratkopisom, pruža moćno okruženje za pravopisnu proveru, i nudi ne samo štampanje, već i štampanje na Brajevom pismu.

Podrazumevana lokacija za FSEdit je podmeni (submenu) programa / Programs submenu (F4, P). U podmeni (submenu) programa pritisnite F da čujete FSEdit i onda pritisnite TAČKA 8 .

Stvaranje novog dokumenta.

Novi dokument se stvara automatski kad god otvorite FSEdit. Ako je potrebno, možete stvoriti novi dokument pritiskom na F2 i onda TAČKA 8 u File meniju. U File meniju, pritisnite N i TAČKA 8 ponovo. Na ovaj način stvarate novi prazan dokument.

Kada prvi put otvorite FSEdit, ili kada stvarate novi dokument, bivate upitani: “Would you like to make your new file a Grade 2 Braille document?”("Da li želite da vaš novi fajl (datoteka) bude u Grade 2 (kratkopisu)") Ako izaberete da ("Yes"), otvoreni fajl (datoteka) će biti dokument u Brajevom kratkopisu. U ovom trenutku, možete pisati tekst u fajl koristeći Brajev kratkopis. Ako je podešavanja (Settings) za ulazni Brajev kratkopis (S CHORD, G) isključeno, iako možete koristiti Brajeve kratkopis u trenutnom FSEdit dokumentu, morate koristiti računarsko Brajevo pismo u svim drugim aplikacijama.

Ako izaberete ne ("No"), otvoreni fajl (datoteka) će biti dokument u računarskom Brajevom pismu. Ako je u podešavanju ulaza omogućen Brajev kratkopis, iako može da tekst u drugim aplikacijama kao Brajev kratkopis, u trenutnom FSEdit dokumentu morate da koristite računarsko Brajevo pismo. Ako ste kasnije želite da izvršite prebacivanje dokumenta u Brajev kratkopis, uradite sledeće:

  1. Otvorite File meni i izaberite komandu sačuvaj (Save).
  2. Zadajte novo ime u polju za uređivanje da peimenujete fajl (datoteka). (Ovo je da be se izbegla konfuziju da vam ne budu dve datoteke sa istim imenom, ali sa različitim tipovima (ekstenzijama), kada pregledate fajlove pomoću File Explorer-a.)
  3. Pritisnite TAČKE 4-5 CHORD da bi se kretatali po kombinovanoj listi (Combo Box), i izaberite Brf File (*.brf).
  4. Pritisnite TAČKE 4-5 CHORD da se pomerite i izaberete dugme (Button) OK. Poruka vas obaveštava da će FSEdit pretvoriti dokument u BRF (Brajevo pismo) format.
  5. Izaberite nastavak. Konverzija može potrajati nekoliko minuta zavisno od veličine fajla.

Napomena: To ne znači da ne možete promeniti kako će se vaš dokument štampati na Brajevom pismu. Za više informacija molimo pogledajte FSEdit, Računarsko Brajevo pismo i Grade 2 (kratkopis) Brajevo pismo. Za više informacija oko unosa znakova interpunkcije računarskom Brajevom pismu, vidite Dodatak G: Reference - Brajevo računarsko pismo

Za pregled svih komandi u FSEdit, vidi Dodatak A: PAC Mate Omni komande.

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Čuvanje dokumenta

Ako fajl koji želite da sačuvate ima tačno ime, i nalazi se u odgovarajućem formatu, u ispravnom folderu, možete jednostavno pritisnuti SH CHORD, S vaš fajl će biti sačuvan.

Ako, međutim, želite da sačuvate fajl pod drugim nazivom, sa različitim formatom datoteke, ili u drugom folderu, otvorite meni File i izaberite sačuvaj kao (Save As). U okviru za dijalog sačuvaj kao (Save As) možete promeniti svaki parametar fajla (datoteka). Koristite TAČKE 4-5 CHORD komandu za kretanje kroz okvir za dijalog. U nastavku je lista opcija dostupna u svakoj kombinovanoj listi (Combo Box) okvira za dijalog sačuvaj kao (Save As)

Kombinovana lista (Combo Box) za mesta za snimanje - folder (omotnica): Default (podrazumevani) je nijedan, što znači da će vaši fajlovi biti sačuvanu u podrazumevani folder (omotnica), My Documents (moja dokumenta). Ostali folderi (omotnice), koji su navedeni u daljem tekstu, su subfolderi za folder moja dokumenata.

  • None-Nijedan
  • Business-Poslovni
  • Personal-Lični
  • Templates-Predlosci, teme

Vrsta (tip) datoteke kombinovana lista (Combo Box): FSEdit nudi lepu raznolikost tipova datoteka koje će lako odgovarati vašim potrebama. Pored toga, FSEdit-ov sopstveni tip fajla (datoteka), .fsd, omogućava sinhronizaciju sa računarom, skladištenje dodatnih informacija kao što su vrsta Brajevog pisma, položaj pokazivača, položaj obeleživača, Grade 2 (kratkopis) pozadinska translacija za laku konverziju u druge podržavane tipove od FSEdit-a.

  • *.fsd
  • *.brf
  • *.rtf
  • *.psw
  • *.txt

Kombinovana lista (Combo Box) za mesta za snimanje:

  • Glavna Memorija
  • Memorijska kartica (ukoliko je ubačena)
  • Hard disk (ako je preko USB-a povezan )

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Vraćanje prethodno sačuvanog.

Ova stavka menija obnavlja poslednje sačuvanu verziju dokumenta i odbacuje sve naknadne izmene.

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Otvaranje dokumenta

  1. Za pokretanje okvira za dijalog za otvaranje fajla (datoteka), pritisnite SH CHORD, O.
  2. Pritisnite TAČKE 4-5 CHORD da pređete na pregled u obliku liste (List Views) za fajlove (datoteka), a zatim koristite tasterske STRELICE da napravite izbor.
  3. Kada pronađete traženi fajl (datoteka), pritisnite TAČKE 4-5 CHORD pomerite se do dugmeta (Button) OK i pritisnite TAČKA 8.
  4. Ako se fajl (datoteka) ne nalazi u trenutnom folderu (omotnica), pritisnite TAČKE 4-5 CHORD dok ne čujete, "Folder list box," koristite tasterske STRELICE odaberite folder (omotnica) u kome očekujete da se nalazi traženi fajl.
  5. Ako se folder ne nalazi na traženom mestu, pritisnite TAČKE 4-5 CHORD dok ne čujete, "Folder list box," koristite tasterske STRELICE odaberite folder (omotnica) u kome očekujete da se nalazi traženi fajl.
  6. Ako je fajl (datoteka) drugog tipa, pritisnite TAČKE 4-5 CHORD dok ne čujete, "Type list box," koristite tasterske STRELICE i odaberite tip fajla.

Napomena: FSEdit pamti lokaciju fajla (datoteka) i foldera (omotnica) nakon otvaranja fajla. Ovo postaje podrazumevani, tako da sledeći put kada otvorate fajl, okvir za dijalog otvori fajl (Open File) počinje od ove lokacije.

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Otvaranje drugog dokumenta

To have two FSEdit files open simultaneously, you must have two FSEdit sessions open.

To open an FSEdit session and file, do the following:

  1. From the Start menu, choose the Programs menu and press DOT 8.
    (You may use the shortcut letter P to choose the Programs menu.)
  2. Press DOTS 1-2-4 until you hear "FSEdit," and then press DOT 8.
  3. Press SH CHORD, O to launch the Open File dialog box.
  4. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move into the List View box, and use the arrow keys to select a file.
    Napomena: If the file does not appear in the List View box, use the Folder combo box, the Location combo box, or the Type combo box to locate the file.
  5. To open a second FSEdit session and file, repeat steps 1-4.

To toggle between documents, refer to Switching Between Two Open FSEdit Files.

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Prebacivanje između dva otvorena FSEdit fajlova (datoteka).

The following describes how to toggle between two open FSEdit files. For information about having two FSEdit files open, refer to Opening a Second Document.

  1. Press F5.
    The Recent Applications menu appears, which shows a list of open dialog boxs and files. The second FSEdit document, which does not have focus, appears in the list.
  2. Press the letter F. (This is also DOTS 1-2-4)
    If FSEdit is the only application open that begins with the letter F, the PAC Mate Omni automatically switches to the second FSEdit session and file. It also announces the file name.
    If another application that begins with the letter F is open, continue to press the F key until you hear the PAC Mate Omni announce FSEdit and the second FSEdit file name.

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Kontinuirani Brajev mod

Use Continuous Braille mode when layout and formatting are not important to you, such as when reading an e-book. Continuous Braille mode ignores hard carriage returns within a paragraph. It shows the carriage return as a blank space and continues the flow of text instead of leaving the remainder of the braille display blank.

To turn on Continuous Braille mode use DOTS 1-2-3-5 CHORD.

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Povezivanje na embosser (Brajev štampač)

Before you can emboss a document, you must first select your embosser type in the Properties dialog box, which is accessed from the Emboss dialog box.

When you select your embosser, many of the fields in the Properties dialog box automatically populate with your embosser?s default settings. This means you can immediately begin embossing your document or you can change the embossing settings.

To launch the Properties dialog box:

  1. Open the File Menu.
  2. Use the arrow keys to move to Emboss and press DOT 8 to launch the Emboss dialog box.
  3. Use DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Properties button and press DOT 8 to open the Properties dialog box.
  4. When this dialog box opens, your cursor is placed in the Embosser combo box. This combo box lists embossers that are compatible with FSEdit. Use your UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select your embosser.
  5. If you are satisfied with the automatic settings of your embosser, you can press DOT 8 on the OK button to return to the Embosser dialog box. If not, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to each field and adjust the setting. When you are done, move to the OK button and press DOT 8.
  6. In the Embosser dialog box, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD until you hear, "Connection button" and press DOT 8.
  7. Use your UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select the port connecting your embosser.
  8. If you select Windows Device, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Location edit box. Type in the network path of the embosser. Na primer: \\server\my embosser.
  9. If you select IRDA, please see Embossing Using an Infrared Connection for more information.
  10. Press DOT 8 on the Ok button to return to the Emboss dialog box.

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Štampanje dokumenta na Brajevom pismu

Embossing a document is initiated from the Emboss dialog box. To launch the Emboss dialog box you must open the File Menu and select Emboss (E). With the Emboss dialog box open, you have several controls that allow you to change the way your document is embossed. If you do not want to change any of the parameters and are ready to emboss, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD until you reach the Ok button and then press SPACEBAR.

Broj primeraka

Unless you specify the number of copies embossed, FSEdit will only emboss one copy of a document.

To emboss more than one copy of a document:

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog box.
  2. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD until you hear "Number of copies one."
  3. Type in the number of copies to be embossed.
  4. Once you have selected your number, you can change more emboss parameters or press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Ok button. Press DOT 8 to print your document.

Podešavanja (Settings) embossera (Brajev štampač)

Depending on your needs, you may want to emboss on different size paper. Changes made to the embossing settings are retained until you change them or reset them to their defaults.

For 8.5 x 11 inch paper, use the following settings:

Cells Per Line: 34
Lines Per Page: 25
Top Margin in lines: 0
Max Cells Per Line of Embosser: 34
Max Lines Per Page of Embosser: 27

For 11.5 x 11 inch paper, use the following settings:

Cells Per Line: 40
Lines Per Page: 25
Top Margin in lines: 0
Max Cells Per Line of Embosser: 42
Max Lines Per Page of Embosser: 27

Promena podešavanja (Settings) embossera (Brajev štampač)

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog box.
  2. Use DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Properties button and press DOT 8 to open the dialog box.
  3. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Set Cells Per Line To edit box. Type the number of Braille cells you want in each line.
  4. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Set Lines Per Page To edit box. Type the number of lines you want on each page.
  5. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Set Top Margin in lines to edit box. Type the number of lines you want to set for your top margin.
  6. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD until you hear, "Max Cells Per Line of Embosser edit box." Type the absolute maximum number of cells you want on each line.
  7. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Max Lines Per Page of Embosser edit box. Type the absolute maximum number of lines you want on each page.
  8. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Margins for Interpoint check box, use the SPACEBAR to place a check in the box.
  9. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Pages for Interpoint check box, use the SPACEBAR to place a check in the box.
  10. Press DOT 8 on the Ok button to emboss your document.

Štampanje na Brajevom pismu korišćenjem Infrared veze

In order to emboss to a Braille device from your PAC Mate Omni using infrared data transfer, you will need to obtain a powered, IRDA-compliant printer adapter. In addition to the power connection, this adapter will have an infrared port on a cable that you can locate in a convenient place. You can connect the adapter to any of the Braille embossers supported by the PAC Mate Omni.

After connecting the adapter and selecting your embosser, align the IR port of your PAC Mate Omni with that of the adapter and select Emboss from the FSEdit File menu. Your document will be transferred using the IR ports and embossed on the Braille embosser.

Beleške: You cannot use infrared to transfer files to a Braille embosser if you are embossing over a network. Go to Connecting to an Embosser for more information.

Most IRDA-compliant printer adapters are pass-through devices; that is, once connected to the parallel port of your Braille embosser, you can then connect the cable from a desktop or laptop computer to the adapter and emboss from both that device and the PAC Mate Omni.

Postavljanje podrazumevanih postavki (Reset) embossera (Brajev štampač)

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog box.
  2. Use DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Properties button and press DOT 8 to open the dialog box.
  3. When this dialog box opens, your cursor is placed in the Embosser combo box. Use your UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select another embosser.
  4. Reselect your embosser. The default settings will repopulate each field.
  5. Press DOT 8 on the Ok button to return to the Emboss dialog box.

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Štampanje dokumenta

There are two ways to launch the print dialog box. The easy way is to press SH CHORD, P from within any document. The other way is to open the File Menu (F2, DOT 8) and select Print (P). Unless you want to change print parameters or you have more than one printer installed on your computer, you can immediately press DOT 8 or select the Ok button to print a single copy of your document. The default margin set for the top, bottom, left, and right page edge is 1 inch.

Broj primeraka

Unless you specify the number of copies printed, FSEdit prints only one copy of a document.

To print more than one copy of a document:

  1. Press SH CHORD, P to open the Number of Copies page.
  2. After you hear "Number of copies one," type in the number of copies to be printed. Make sure you enter this number in computer Braille.
  3. Once you have entered the number of copies you want printed, press DOT 8 on the OK button, followed by DOT 8 again to print your document. To select a different printer, or change how the document is printed, use the controls in the Print dialog box to make more changes.

Promena štampača

FSEdit supports a wide variety of printers. Depending on the printer you are using, you first need to select the appropriate printer type before you can print.

To change printers:

  1. Press SH CHORD, P to open the Number of Copies page.
  2. Navigate beyond the number of copies edit page by pressing DOT 8 on the OK button.
  3. When the Print dialog box opens, the Printer combo box is active. Use your UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select a printer.
  4. Press DOT 8 or select the Ok button to print your document.

Izbor podešavanja (Settings) portova

Currently PAC Mate Omni supports printing to printers on a network, that are infrared or BlueTooth compatible, and that are attached via a USB connection. If you select network because you are printing to a network printer, you must enter the printer's UNC path in the Net Path edit field. You must also enter this information in File Explorer. When using a USB-attached printer, be sure to select LPT1 in the printer port list.

To print to a Bluetooth printer, make sure you have set up a Bluetooth partnership with the printer and added COM2 as an outgoing COM port. Then, select COM2: Bluetooth in the printer port list.

Once you have selected the port, you can change more print parameters or press DOT 8 to print your document.

Izaberi veličinu papira

The default paper size setting for FSEdit is Letter (8.5 x 11 inches).

To choose another paper size:

  1. Press SH CHORD, P to open the Print dialog box.
  2. Navigate beyond the number of copies edit page by pressing DOT 8 on the OK button.
  3. When the Print dialog box opens, move to the Paper Size combo box. This combo box lets you select a different paper size. Use your UP or DOWN ARROWS to make your selection.
  4. Once you have selected your new page size you can change more print parameters or press DOT 8 to print your document.

Izaberi opseg štampanja

The Print Range area of the Print dialog box is composed of two radio buttons: All and Selection. Use the cursor cross to select either radio button. Unless you specify a selection, FSEdit will print all pages contained within a document.

To specify a selection:

  1. Select the text you want to print with the selecting commands.
  2. Press SH CHORD, P to open the Print dialog box.
  3. Navigate beyond the number of copies edit page by pressing DOT 8 on the OK button.
  4. Move to the Print Range radio buttons and use your cursor cross to choose Selection.
  5. Press DOT 8 or select the Ok button to print your selected text.

Orijentacija strane

The Orientation area of the Print Setup dialog box is composed of two radio buttons: Portrait and Landscape.

To change the page orientation:

  1. Press SH CHORD, P to open the Print dialog box.
  2. Navigate beyond the number of copies edit page by pressing DOT 8 on the OK button.
  3. Next, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD until you hear "Page Orientation." Use the cursor cross to make your selection.
  4. Once you have selected the page orientation, you can change more print parameters or press DOT 8 to Print your document.

Režim nacrta (Draft Mode)

On by default, the Draft Mode check box in the Print dialog box uses less ink, but reduces the sharpness and quality of print on paper. To improve print sharpness and quality, press the SPACEBAR to uncheck this box.

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Pisanje u Brajevom kratkopisu ili ne

Regardless of whether you created an uncontracted Braille or contracted Braille file, FSEdit?s default setting sends text to your embosser in contracted Braille. If necessary, you can emboss an uncontracted Braille file in uncontracted Braille. You cannot, however, emboss a contracted Braille file in uncontracted Braille.

To emboss an uncontracted Braille file in uncontracted Braille:

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog box.
  2. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD until you hear, "Grade 2 checked." A check in this box means the document will emboss in contracted Braille. To emboss in uncontracted Braille, press SPACEBAR to uncheck this box.
  3. Once you have specified the grade of braille, you can change more emboss parameters or press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Ok button and then press DOT 8 to emboss your document.

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Označavanje naglašenog teksta

Emphasis text is text that is bold, underlined and/or in italics. This item (enabled by default and only available when embossing in contracted Braille) indicates when text has emphasis.

Isključivanje označenog naglašenog teksta

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog box.
  2. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD until you hear, "Mark Emphasis Text."
  3. A check in this box means bold, underline and/or italic text is marked.
  4. If you want to emboss without marking Emphasis Text, press SPACEBAR to uncheck this box.
  5. To emboss your document, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Ok button and then press DOT 8.

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Selecting Text vs. Marking Text

While these two features, selecting text and marking text, use very different approaches, they do perform virtually the same function. The difference, however, is that with Marking Text you can accurately mark text and have the added advantage of being able to freely read your document until you find the word(s) you want to mark inclusively. Whereas when you select text, you must move linearly in a fixed increment until the block of text you want is selected. This may result in more editing, as some unwanted text might get selected.

Označeni (markirani) tekst

  1. Set the mark at the location of the cursor by opening the Edit Menu and pressing DOT 8 on Set Mark or by pressing E CHORD, M.
  2. Move the cursor to a different location in the document.
  3. Choose Select to Mark from the Edit Menu or press E CHORD, S to select all the text between the mark and the cursor.

Obeležavanje kretanja i položaj pokazivača

On occasion you may find it helpful to review the information you have selected. Or you may find that you want to select text that is beyond the marked end. To do this easily, swap the position of the mark and cursor. You can find this feature in the Edit Menu or simply press E CHORD, W.

Obeleži tekst

In addition to all the selecting commands available in the PAC Mate Omni, FSEdit has its own Quick Select commands. The Quick Select commands let you select text in five different increments. You can find these options in the Edit Menu under the Quick Select submenu or you can use the shortcut commands.

Iseci (Cut) tekst.

Cutting selected text places it on the clipboard and removes it from the document. Once you have selected the text you want to cut, press E CHORD, X. If you are cutting text from a contracted braille document, it is placed on the clipboard as computer braille. You can then paste the text into another part of the open document, into a new document, or into another application such as Word Mobile.

If you would prefer to have the text placed on the clipboard as is, without any back-translation, press F2, choose Edit, then select Cut. However, you should use the E CHORD, X keystroke if you are cutting and pasting from a contracted braille document to a computer braille file.

Kopiranje (Copy) tekst

Copying selected text places it on the clipboard without removing it from the document. Once you have selected the text you want to copy, press E CHORD, C. If you are copying text from a contracted braille document, it is placed on the clipboard as computer braille. You can then paste the text into another part of the open document, into a new document, or into another application such as Word Mobile.

If you would prefer to have the text placed on the clipboard as is, without any back-translation, press F2, choose Edit, then select Copy. However, you should use the E CHORD, C keystroke if you are copying and pasting from a contracted braille document to a computer braille file.

Nalepi (Paste) tekst

Choose Paste when you want to insert text from the clipboard into your document. Find the location where you want the text inserted, then press E CHORD, P. The text is inserted into the document. When pasting into a contracted braille document, the text is also inserted as contracted braille.

If you would prefer to paste the contents of the clipboard as is, without any translation, press F2, choose Edit, and select Paste. When copying and pasting text between two contracted braille documents or within the same document, you should only use this method if you have selected Cut or Copy from the Edit menu, which places the text on the clipboard as it appears in the document without any back-translation. Additionally, if you are copying and pasting from a computer braille document into a contracted braille document, you should not use this method as no translation occurs and text is pasted as computer braille.

Obriši tekst

Unlike cutting selected text from a document, deleting does not copy the text to the clipboard. Once you use the delete command, DOTS 1-2-3-4-5-6 CHORD, the selected text is permanently deleted and cannot be pasted. Press E CHORD, U to undo the delete.


The Find feature is a very handy tool that lets you search for a word or phrase within an open document quickly. When you press E CHORD, F, FSEdit launches the Find dialog box with the cursor in the Find What edit box. Type in the word or phrase you want to find. Use DOTS 4-5 CHORD to navigate the dialog box. Other controls in this dialog box that are available are Find Whole Words Only, Match Case, and Search Direction.

When you are ready, press DOT 8 on the Find Next button.


The Replace menu item (E CHORD, R) is similar to the Find feature in that it searches for words or phrases within a document, but it has the additional feature of replacing words or phrases with alternative text. Its dialog box is similar to the Find dialog box but has two additional buttons. The Replace button, which replaces one instance of the word or phrase and the Replace All button, which replaces all instances of the word or phrase in the document.

<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a

Formatiranje (oblikovanje) dokumenta

FSEdit makes formatting a document very easy. Most formatting options available can be directly accessed from the two submenus in the Format Menu.

To format a document:

  1. Press F2, then F twice to move to the Format menu and press DOT 8 to open the Format menu.
  2. On the Format menu you have two choices: Font and Paragraph. Each opens a submenu when you press DOT 8.
  3. The Font submenu options include: bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and more options. In order to use the bold, italic, underline and strikethrough options you must first select the text using one of the three methods available:
  • Windows standard. Hold down DOT 7 and press one of the braille keys with the SPACEBAR.
  • Select specific unit. Choose one of the following items from the Edit/Select submenu: Word, sentence, paragraph, line, and entire document.
  • Mark method.
  1. The Paragraph submenu options include: align left, align center, align right, justify, increase indent, and decrease indent.
  2. If you select more from the Font submenu you launch a Font dialog box. From here you can select a different font type, font style, font size, and font effect.

<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a

Unošenje teksta.

These two items can be found in the Insert Menu. To select a format for the Date/Time Stamp, go to the Tools Menu and select Options.

  • Insert File Text: Lets you grab the text from another file and paste it into your FSEdit document.
  • Date/Time Stamp: Lets you insert the date: Time is not supported at this time. (I+DOT 8, D)

<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a

Provera načina pisanja.

You can check the spelling of a specific word, or of all the words in a document. If a word is spelled correctly, but not recognized, you can add the word(s) to FSEdit?s online dictionary. To launch the Spell Checker dialog box, press CH CHORD, S. If you have selected one or more words, when you begin the spell check, selected text is checked first. When finished, you will be asked if you want to continue checking the rest of the document. Selecting Yes will continue with the spell check while selecting No will return you to the document.

Once the Spell Checker dialog box opens, your cursor is in the Change To field on a word from the Suggestions List. At this point, you have several options to choose from. Use DOTS 4-5 CHORD to navigate this dialog box and press DOT 8 on the button that performs the particular action you want. The following controls are available:

  • Change To - By default, this edit field contains the suggestion that is the most likely replacement for the misspelled word. If you know the correct spelling, you can press DOT 7 to clear this field and type the word you want.
  • Suggestions - This list box offers a list of suggested replacement words for the misspelled word. Use the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select the word you want.
  • Change - Activating this button causes the current misspelled word to be replaced with the word you selected from the Suggestions list or entered into the Change To field.
  • Change All - Activating this button causes all occurrences of the misspelled word to be replaced in the document.
  • Ignore - Activating this button causes the selected misspelled word to be skipped. If the same word is encountered later in the document, it will be displayed again.
  • Ignore All - Activating this button causes every occurrence of the selected misspelled word to be skipped.
  • Add - Activate this button to add the word to the user dictionary. Select Add if you are sure the word is spelled correctly so IT WILL BE CONSIDERED CORRECT in future spell checks.
  • Close - Activate this button to close the spell checker and return to your document. You only need to use this button if you need to stop the spell check before it reaches the end of the document.

Napomena: Press CH CHORD, C while in the Spell Checker to have the PAC Mate Omni read the line containing the misspelled word so you can hear it in context.

Uređivanje Korisničkog rečnika (User Dictionary).

Use the User Dictionary to store words that are not recognized by the Spell Checker but you know to be spelled correctly. To modify the dictionary, press F2, T, navigate to Edit User Dictionary, and press DOT 8. When this dialog box opens, the cursor is placed in the list of words. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move through the controls in this dialog box.

To add a word, select Add. Type the word into the edit field and press DOT 8 to add it. New words are appended to the end of the list. To sort the list in alphebetical order, choose Pre-sort.

To edit the spelling of a word already in the dictionary, use the arrow keys to select the word and then choose Edit. Enter your changes and press DOT 8.

To remove a word from the dictionary, use the arrow keys to select it from the list and then choose Remove.

Select Close when you are finished editing the dictionary.

<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a

Prebrojavanje reči.

When you want to know the number of words in a document, press F2, move to Tools and press DOT 8. Then move and press DOT 8 on Word Count.

<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a

Položaj pokazivača.

The Cursor Position feature lets you hear the current location of the cursor by its line and column position relative to the total number of lines in the document.

To find the cursor’s position, use the DOTS 2-4-5-6-8 CHORD keystroke.

The PAC Mate Omni reports the current line number out of the total number of lines in the document. It also lists the cursor’s column position. For example, you may hear the cursor’s position reported as line 11 out of 19, column 6.

<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a

Pomeri položaj pokazivača

The Move Cursor Position feature allows you to move the cursor forward or backward in a document based on character, line, or word position.

To move the cursor, type DOTS 3-4-5-6 CHORD,
where X is a negative number, indicating how far back the cursor will move, or a positive number, indicating how far forward the cursor will move, and Y is the letter C for character, L for line, and W for word, which indicates the type of cursor movement.


Sve cene se za kupce iz Srbije obračunavaju u dinarima po srednjem kursu Narodne banke Srbije na dan izdavanja predračuna. PDV se dodatno obračunava. Gloria Ferrari doo maksimalno koristi sve svoje resurse da Vam svi artikli na sajtu budu prikazani sa ispravnim nazivima, opisima, fotografijama i cenama, ali nažalost ne možemo garantovati da su svi podaci na sajtu u potpunosti ispravni. Svi artikli prikazani na ovom sajtu su deo naše ponude i ne podrazumeva se da su svi dostupni u svakom trenutku na našem lageru. Tačne podatke sa rokovima isporuke dobijate u predračunu. Zadržavamo pravo promene cena svih proizvoda i usluga, bez prethodne najave na sajtu.