Sadržaj odeljka
- Brajeva podešavanja (Braille settings))
- Tasteri - dugmadi (Buttons)
- Rečnik.
- Ulaz.
- Tastatura.
- Meniji
- Informacije o korisniku.
- Lozinka (password).
- Sistemski zvukovi i obaveštenja.
- Tekst.
- Početni ekran (Today).
- Verbosity (pričljivost-govorljivost).
- Glasovi/govornici.
- O.
- Sertifikati - Uverenja.
- Časovnik.
- Memorija:
- Napajanje
- Postavke snimanja.
- Regionalna podešavanja.
- Uklanjanje programa.
- Beam.
- Priključci.
PAC Mate Omni vam omogućava da prilagodite mnoga podešavanja koja utvrđuju šta i koliko će JAWS da vam čita. Pored toga: možete podesiti obaveštenja alarma, da odaberete da pročitate vreme u različitim formatima, izaberete koji će se programi pojaviti u početnom meniju (Start Menu) i u njegovom podmeniju (submenu) Programi, i da prilagodite početni ekran (Today Screen) da sadži samo one stavke koje želite.
Za lakše čitanje i upotrebljivost ovo poglavlje odražava redosled kakav je u pregledu u obliku liste (List Views) u višestrukom okviru za dijalog koji se nalazi u početnom meniju (Start Menu).
Brajeva podešavanja (Braille settings))
U višestrukom okviru za dijalog za Brajevo pismo konfiguriše se ponašanje Brajevog reda - displeja.
Da bi ste konfigurisali Brajev red - displej, pritisnite F4, S, i ako je potrebno B za izbor podešavanja (Settings) Brajevog pisma, u protivnom TAČKA 8 da otvorite okvir za dijalog za podešavanja Brajevog pisma. Kada je okvir za dijalog otvoren, koristite TAČKE 5-6 CHORD da se krećete po jezičcima (Tabovima)..
Osnovni jezičak (General Tab)
- Režim Brajevog pisma:Ova se kombinovana lista (Combo Box) koristi za utvrđivanje u kom se obliku-formatu informacije šalju u Brajev red - displej. Sledeće opcije su dostupne:
- Lijija (Line): Na Brajev red - displej se šalje red (linija) teksta od trenutnog položaja pokazivača.
- Strukturni (Structured): Na Brajev red - displej se šalje relevantna količina teksta (koliko može da stane na brajev displej) od trenutnog položaja pokazivača. Ovo je podrazumevana opcija.
- Govorni sadržaj: Isti se podaci šalju i Brajevom redu - displeju kao i Sintetizatoru.
- Obrnuti tasteri za napredovanje (advance buttons): Ako je ovo polje za potvrdu (check box) potvrđeno, pritiskom na taster za napredovanje (advance buttons) u levo, dovešće do kretanja u desno, a pritiskom tastera za napredovanje desno dovešće do kretanja u levo. Ova stavka po pravilu nije potvrđena.
- 8 tačkasto Brajevo pismo: Ako je ovo polja za potvrdu (check box) potvrđeno, prikazuje se Brajevo pismo sa 8 tačaka. Ova stavka je po pravilu potvrđena.
- Brajev pokazivač prati aktivni pokazivač: Ako je ovo polje za potvrdu (check box) potvrđeno, Brajev pokazivača (Braille Cursor) prati kretanje aktivnog pokazivača, ali nije ograničen samo na mesta gde može da se pomerita aktivni pokazivač. Na primer, kada se kreće kroz okvir za dijalog, Brajev pokazivač (Braille Cursor) se pomera do svake kontrole kada pritisnete TAČKE 4-5 CHORD. Ova stavka je po pravilu potvrđena.
- Aktivni pokazivač prati Brajev pokazivač: Ako je ovo polje za potvrdu (check box) potvrđeno, Brajev pokazivač (Braille Cursor) i aktivni pokazivač su međusobno povezani. Kada pomeri Brajev pokazivač, aktivni pokazivač se takođe pomera. Međutim, ne možete da pomerite Brajev pokazivač onamo gde aktivni pokazivač ne može da se postavi. Na primer, sa aktivnim PC pokazivačem, ne možete da čitate donju statusnu liniju prozora. Ova stavka je po pravilu potvrđena.
- PC Follows Braille: If this check box is checked, only the PC cursor follows when you move the Braille cursor. This allows you to use another cursor, such as the JAWS cursor, to review the screen without it being routed to the location of the Braille cursor. This item is not checked by default.
- Highlight: When this check box is checked, text that is highlighted is indicated with the addition of dots 7 and 8. Unchecking this may help new Braille users become accustomed to working with a Braille display. This item is checked by default.
- Suppress Capital Signs: When this check box is checked, capital signs are not shown on your Braille display. This item is unchecked by default.
- Word Wrap: If this check box is checked, PAC Mate Omni does not split a word that is too large to be shown on the Braille display. When you pan to the next increment, you can read the word in its entirety. If you clear this check box, PAC Mate Omni displays as much of the word as possible, but a portion may be cut off. PAC Mate Omni shows the remainder of the word when you pan to the next increment. Ova stavka je po pravilu potvrđena.
- Dot Firmness: Specifies the firmness of Braille dots on the PAC Mate Omni and Focus displays. There are five levels of firmness. Adjust the display to the level of firmness most suited to the sensitivity of your fingers.
- Focus Braille Display Options Button: This button is only available when a Focus Braille display is connected to your PAC Mate Omni. Use this button to open the Focus Braille Display Options dialog box where you can adjust settings for a Focus Braille display.
Jezičak za jezike (Languages Tab)
- Osnovni - prvi jezik: This combo box allows you to select the primary braille language. You can choose from the following languages: English, French European, French Canadian, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, Danish, Russian, and Greek.
- Osnovni format Brajevog pisma:This combo box is used to determine how text is displayed on your braille display and whether or not text can be entered in contracted braille. The following options are available:
- Računarsko Brajevo pismo: Computer braille text is shown as computer braille on your braille display unless a file containing contracted braille text, such as a BRF file, is open. When entering information, you must use computer braille unless you are working in a grade 2 file in FSEdit. Ovo je podrazumevana postavka.
- Prikaz u kratkopisu: Computer braille text is shown in contracted braille on your braille display. Even though the display shows text as contracted braille, you must still write using computer braille.
- Ulaz - unos u kratkopisu: When brailling, you can enter text into documents or other edit fields using contracted braille. Computer braille text is shown in contracted braille on your braille display. For more information on brailling in contracted braille, see PAC Mate Omni Basics, Brailling in Grade 2.
Napomena: You can cycle through these options from within any application by pressing S CHORD, G. Press DOTS 3-5 CHORD at any time to confirm what setting is currently active.
If the language you selected in the Primary Language combo box does not support contracted braille, this combo box will be unavailable.
- Primary Expand Current Word: Available when contracted output or contracted input is selected, if this check box is checked and computer braille text is shown in contracted braille on your braille display, then the word at the position of the Braille cursor is displayed in computer braille. If this check box is not checked and computer braille text is displayed in contracted braille, then the Braille cursor rests at the beginning of the current word and moves as you navigate from word to word. Ova stavka je po pravilu potvrđena.
- Primary Enable UEB: If this check box is checked, and Contracted Output is selected, computer braille text is shown in Unified English Braille on the braille display. If Contracted Input is selected, you can write text into a document using Unified English Braille. Ova stavka po pravilu nije potvrđena. You should only enable this option if you regularly read and write UEB files. This option is not available if the Primary Braille Format is set to computer braille or if the braille language is set to any language other than English.
- Drugi jezik: This combo box allows you to select the secondary braille language that is enabled when you use S CHORD, T to switch between the primary and secondary braille language. You can choose from the following languages: English, French European, French Canadian, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, Danish, Russian, Greek, or None.
- Drugi (pomoćni) format Brajevog pisma: This combo box is identical to the Primary Braille Format combo box described above. It is used to determine how text is displayed on your braille display and whether or not text can be entered in contracted braille. If the language you selected in the Secondary Language combo box does not support contracted braille, this combo box will be unavailable.
- Secondary Expand Current Word: Available when contracted output or contracted input is selected, if this check box is checked and computer braille text is shown in contracted braille on your braille display, then the word at the position of the Braille cursor is displayed in computer braille. If this check box is not checked and computer braille text is shown in contracted braille on your braille display, then the Braille cursor rests at the beginning of the current word and moves as you navigate from word to word. Ova stavka je po pravilu potvrđena.
- Secondary Enable UEB: If this check box is checked, and contracted output is selected, computer braille text is shown in Unified English Braille on the braille display. If contracted input is selected, you can write text into a document using Unified English Braille. Ova stavka po pravilu nije potvrđena. You should only enable this option if you regularly read and write UEB files. This option is not available if the Secondary Braille Format is set to computer braille or if the Secondary braille language is set to any language other than English.
Jezičak pokazivača (Cursors tab)
Use the Cursors tab to configure cursor behavior on a Braille display attached to your PAC Mate Omni.
- Vrsta pokazivača:This list box contains three cursor types that you can configure:
- PC pokazivač: This cursor is linked to the keyboard functions of Windows and applications. This is the cursor that is used when typing information, moving through options in dialog boxes, and selecting options or icons. As you type information, the PC Cursor follows along with each key you press. If you are making a selection in a menu or dialog box, the PC Cursor highlights the currently selected object. The PC Cursor is activated by default when your PAC Mate Omni starts. If you are using a different cursor, pressing DOT 8 CHORD, P re-activates the PC Cursor.
- JAWS pokazivač: The JAWS Cursor is linked to mouse pointer functions in Windows and other applications. It is used to read information the PC Cursor cannot read, such as toolbar information. In the Windows Mobile environment on the PAC Mate Omni, it can also be used to tap items on the screen. When the JAWS cursor is on a control or item that can be tapped, pressing DOT 8 CHORD, DOT 7 or pressing a cursor router button will activate that item. You therefore have access to information in an application window that is beyond the scope of the PC Cursor. To activate the JAWS Cursor, press DOT 8 CHORD, J.
- Nevidljivi pokazivač: The Invisible Cursor is similar to the JAWS Cursor. It is used solely for reviewing text on the screen and is most often used in applications where moving the mouse pointer changes the text being displayed. To turn on the Invisible Cursor, press DOT 8 CHORD, J twice quickly.
- Dot Pattern: The Braille dots that will be used to represent the cursor. By default, these are DOTS 7-8 for each cursor type, but you can change these if you want to do so.
- Pokazivač:There are three radio buttons from which to choose:
- Always up: The Braille Cursor is displayed as a steady representation.
- Always down: The Braille Cursor is not displayed.
- Blinking: The Braille Cursor blinks, providing an easily distinguished tactile reference point.
- Blink Rate: This setting controls the rate at which the Braille Cursor, if set to "Blinking," moves up and down. The smaller this number, the faster the blink rate. The default is 500 milliseconds .
Jezičak za poruke (Messages tab)
- Poruke koje se prikazuju: This check box determines whether messages are shown on your Braille display. It is checked by default.
- Trajanje: This combo box allows you to select the length of time messages are displayed. The default is 5 seconds and the range is from 1 second to 10 seconds.
- Pokazivanje prefiksa poruka: This check box allows you to determine whether message prefixes; which indicate what kind of message is being displayed; are shown. It is checked by default.
- Nivoi poruka: This combo box allows you to choose the level of messages to be displayed. The choices are Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
- Podešavanja (Preferences): When you press DOT 8on this button, a dialog box opens that allows you to choose the types of messages that will be displayed.
- Poruke:This list box allows you to check the types of messages that will be displayed. Opcije su:
- JAWS poruke
- Smart poruke pomoći
- Statusne poruke
- Poruke na zahtev korisnika
- Poruke programabilnih tastera prečica (Soft Keys)
Napomena: The message prefix is shown in parentheses following the message type.
- Poruke:This list box allows you to check the types of messages that will be displayed. Opcije su:
Opcije Focus Brajevih redova - displeja
Postavljanje statusne ćelije: Određujete da li će se informacione statusne ćelije nalaziti sa leve ili desne strane displeja - Brajevog reda i izabrati da se uopšte ne prikazuju. Po pravilu, statusne ćelije se nalaze na levom kraju displeja (Brajevog reda).
Čitanje reda: Koristite uređivački Spin boks (Edit Spin Boxes) Reading Line (redovi za čitanje) za prikaz informacija samo unutar dela displeja - Brajevog reda koji želite da koristite. Podrazumevana podešavanja određena su lokacijom statusnih ćelija i dužinom displeja - Brajevog reda.
Pogledajte i:
PAC Mate Omni sa Braievim redom (displejem)
<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a
Tasteri - dugmadi (Buttons)
Možete dodeliti osam komandi za prečice, koje pokreću programe, za svaki od programa na vašem PAC Mate Omni-ju u okviru za dijalog. Sledeća tabela prikazuje podrazumevane programe za svaku komandu.
Program |
Komanda |
Snimanja |
Kalendar |
Kontakti |
Zadaci |
Inbox - primljene poruke |
Pretraživač fajlova (File Explorer) |
FSEdit |
FSCalc |
Da dodelite komandama drugačije programe, otvorite okvir za dijalog dugmad (Buttons) pritiskom F4, S. Kretanje po dugmadima vršite sa DOWN ARROW i priskom TAČKA 8.
The Buttons dialog box opens with the Program Buttons page. The list view, which has the eight hotkey commands and default programs, is active.
You select a hotkey command by moving up or down with the cursor cross, then you press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Button Assignment combo box. Use the arrow keys to move through the list and select a program you want to associate with the hotkey command.
To assign the next program to a hotkey, press DOTS 1-2 CHORD to move back to the list view. Press DOWN ARROW to move to DOTS 3-4 CHORD, DOT 2. By default this button is set to Contacts. To change the program, repeat the steps discussed above.
In addition to assigning programs to hotkey commands, you can assign commands for scrolling. These options are also listed in the Button Assignment combo box.
<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a
Use the Dictionary Settings dialog box (S CHORD, D) to change the way the PAC Mate Omni pronounces words, phrases, abbreviations, acronyms or ANSI symbols. The pronunciation changes you make are global so they occur in all programs on the PAC Mate Omni.
To add a word to the Dictionary:
- Place the cursor in front of the word.
- Press S CHORD, D to open the Dictionary Settings dialog box.
- Press DOT 8 to activate the Add button and open the Add Dictionary Definition dialog box.
- In the Actual Word edit field, type in the word that is at the cursor location.
- Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Replacement Word edit field and type how you would like the word(s) pronounced. Do not include any punctuation marks.
- Press A CHORD to hear the actual word, and press R CHORD to hear the replacement word.
- When you are satisfied with the way JAWS pronounces the word, press F1 to add the word.
- Press F1 to exit.
- When you are satisfied with the way PAC Mate Omni speaks the word, press DOT 8 and SH CHORD, S to accept and save the changes.
To Change or Delete Existing Entries:
- Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Dictionary Entries extended list box. Use the arrow keys or first letter navigation to locate the entry you want to change or delete.
- Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to either the Change or Delete button and press DOT 8.
- If you are changing an entry, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Replacement Word edit field and type how you would like to have the text pronounced. Do not use any punctuation marks.
- Press A CHORD to hear the actual word, and press R CHORD to hear the replacement.
- When you are satisfied with the way JAWS pronounces the word, press F1 to save the changed word.
- Press F1 to exit.
Alternatively, you can press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Search for Entries edit field and type the text you want to change or delete, then press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the appropriate button and press DOT 8.
<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a
This dialog box controls the way the PAC Mate Omni reads pages written in html. If you intend to browse the web, getting familiar and understanding this dialog box is imperative.
Go to the Start Menu (F4), move to Settings and press DOT 8. Press H once to select HTML Settings or use the cursor cross to select it. If an item is not selected, press SPACEBAR first, and then use first letter navigation. Once HTML Settings is selected, press DOT 8.
When you open HTML Settings, you will hear the PAC Mate Omni say, "JAWS HTML Settings dialog box, Skip Past Repeated Text On New Pages check box, checked." With this control checked, the PAC Mate Omni skips text that is repeated on web pages within the same web site and automatically moves the cursor to new text found on the page.
When you press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move forward, the next control you encounter is the "Lines Per Page" edit field. This setting determines how many lines the cursor moves when pressing DOT 2+UP ARROW or DOT 2+DOWN ARROW. With the default value set to twenty-four, the cursor moves twenty-four lines. For more information on moving through and reading text, please see PAC Mate Omni Basics, Working with Text.
The next control is the "Maximum Line Length" edit field, which controls how many characters the cursor treats as one line of text. The default value is 150 characters.
Headings are used to understand how each section of text relates to the web page as a whole. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the "Headings Verbosity" combo box. With the Headings Verbosity combo box, use the cursor cross to choose whether the PAC Mate Omni announces headings and whether this includes heading levels. The default setting is Headings with levels indicated.
Many web sites use Graphics as links. If you want the PAC Mate Omni to announce only graphical links that use alternate text, use the cursor cross to select Tagged Graphical Links in the Graphical Link Verbosity combo box.
In addition to graphical links, frames are another web structure you will encounter. To control how the PAC Mate Omni responds to frames, choose one of the three options in the New Frame Indication combo box. Your options are:
- No Indication: The PAC Mate Omni does not indicate when frames are entered or exited.
- Say Frame Name: The PAC Mate Omni announces the frame name when it is entered or exited. Ovo je podrazumevana opcija.
- Say New Frame: The PAC Mate Omni announces when a frame is entered only.
If you want to continue with adjusting HTML settings, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Advanced button and press DOT 8. If you are done with this dialog box, press F1 to return to the Settings dialog box. Press F1 again to return to the Today Screen.
<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a
Napredna HTML podešavanja (Settings)
When you press DOT 8 on the Advanced button in the JAWS HTML Settings dialog box, you open the HTML Advanced dialog box. The first three controls in this dialog box are check boxes, which are checked by default. To uncheck the boxes, press the SPACEBAR.
The first check box of this dialog box is the "Say Link Type" check box, which sets the PAC Mate Omni to announce the type of links encountered when navigating an HTML document. To move to the next control, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD.
With the "Identify Same Page Links" check box checked, the PAC Mate Omni announces when links point to other locations on the same page by stating, "same page link."
The "Indicate Tables" check box sets the PAC Mate Omni to announce the start of a table by declaring its number of columns and rows and when the end of the table is reached. To move to the next control, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD.
The "Text Block Length" edit box lets you specify the number of characters in a block of text. This control affects the H CHORD, T command used in Internet Explorer Mobile. When you press this command, the PAC Mate Omni moves to the next block of non-link text that is equal to or greater than the number of characters specified in this edit box. The default value is 25.
The "Text Link Verbosity" combo box determines what information the PAC Mate Omni speaks when a text-based link is encountered. The following options are available:
- Speak Title Text: When this option is selected, the PAC Mate Omni speaks information provided by the HTML title attribute, which is not displayed on the screen. If no title text is found, the PAC Mate Omni reads the on-screen text.
- Speak Screen Text: The PAC Mate Omni reads the on-screen text of the link only. Ovo je podrazumevana opcija.
- Speak Longest: The PAC Mate Omni reads the longer string of text whether it is the on-screen text displayed as a link or a title tag attribute. This option is meant to provide you with the most information possibly available on an HTML page.
To move to the next control, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD.
Similar to the "Text Link Verbosity" combo box, the "Graphic Verbosity" combo box allows you to specify how you want the PAC Mate Omni to announce graphics within HTML documents. The following options are available:
- No Graphics: Graphics are not announced.
- Tagged Graphics: Graphics that have alternate text specified within the HTML document are announced. The PAC Mate Omni states "graphic" and then reads the alternate text. Ovo je podrazumevana opcija.
- All Graphics: All graphics are announced.
The last control in this dialog box is the "Image Map Link Verbosity" combo box. This control determines how images, mapped with coordinates for use as links, are announced. The PAC Mate Omni offers the following options:
- No Image Map Links: Image map links are not announced.
- Tagged Image Map Links: Image map links that have Alternate text specified within the HTML document are announced.
- All Image Map Links: All image map links are announced. Ovo je podrazumevana opcija.
If you are done, PRESS F1 to return to the HTML Settings dialog box. Press F1 again to return to the Settings dialog box and once more to return to the Today Screen.
<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a
Ulaz - unos
While this dialog box has limited support, it does contain two controls that may be beneficial for you to know about. The first control is the "Voice Recording Format" combo box. The settings in this combo box determine the quality of your voice recording. The default setting is 8000 Hz, Mono (2 KB/s), which gives you the longest possible recording time, but with the lowest recording quality. Naturally, Windows Mobile offers you a wide variety of settings to choose from. To learn more about the Voice Recording Feature, please see Notes, Creating a Recording.
The second control in this dialog box is the Capitalize first letter of sentence check box. When this box is checked, anytime you press DOT 8 to start a new line in an edit field, the first letter of the line is capitalized. This control works only with Windows Mobile programs.
To access these controls, go to the Input dialog box (F4, S, I, DOT 8) and move to the Options page with DOTS 5-6 CHORD. As the page opens the first active control is the "Voice Recording Format" combo box. Make your selection using the cursor cross and then press DOTS 4-5 CHORD until you reach the "Capitalize the first letter of sentence" check box. Use the SPACEBAR to disable or enable this control.
<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a
When you want to adjust the amount of feedback you receive as you type in an edit field, use the "JAWS Keyboard Settings" dialog box.
To use this dialog box, go to the Start Menu (F4), press S to open the Settings dialog box. Press K once or use DOWN ARROW to move to Keyboard Settings, then press DOT 8.
When you open this dialog box, the "Typing Echo" combo box is active and ready for you to use the cursor cross to select an option. Your options in this combo box are:
- Off: The PAC Mate Omni is silent as you type.
- Characters: Each character you type is echoed.
- Words: Each word you type is echoed after pressing SPACEBAR or DOT 8.
- Characters and Words: Characters are echoed as you type them and words are echoed after you press SPACEBAR or DOT 8.
When you are done making your selection, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the next control.
Na primer: You can also change these options with S CHORD, K. Continue to press K until you select the option you want.
The last control is a combo box that allows you to select your input language. Use the cursor cross to select an option.
To save your settings and return to the Settings dialog box, press F1. To close the Settings dialog box and return to the Today Screen, press F1 again. Or if you want to explore the other pages in the Settings dialog box, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the other pages.
<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a
U zavisnosti od toga koje programe najčešće koristite, može vam biti korisno da početni meni (Start Menu) organizujete drugačije od podrazumevanog. To se radi iz okvira za dijalog Meni.
Da prilagodite svoje menije otvorite početni meni (Start Menu)i pritisnite S da izaberete podešavanja (Settings). Pritisnite M da pređete na Meni (Menus) a onda pritisnite TAČKA 8.
Okvir za dijalog menija otvara se kao pregled u obliku liste (List Views). Koristite četvorostrani pokazivač da se pomerite gore ili dole po listi. Programs with a selected check box appear in the Start menu, while programs with a clear check box appear in the Programs submenu. Press the SPACEBAR to select or clear a check box. The Start menu can only hold nine programs.
When you are finished setting the Start menu, press F1 to save your changes and return to the Settings dialog box.
<- nazad na Sadržaj. Uputstvo za PAC Mate Omni BX400-4.Podešavanje PAC Mate Omni-a
Sistemski zvukovi i obaveštenja.
The Notification System on the PAC Mate Omni is controlled from the Sounds & Notifications settings dialog box. In this dialog box, you can choose what events you'd like to receive notifications for, and how you'd like to be notified.
Napomena: The PAC Mate Omni does not support pop-up screen display notifications or screen taps.
You open the Sounds & Notifications dialog box from the Settings list view on the Personal page. To quickly move to the Sounds & Notification dialog box from the Today Screen, open the Start menu and press S to choose Settings. Press S to move to Sounds & Notifications and press DOT 8.
The Sounds & Notifications dialog box opens on the Sounds page. The first control is the "Enable sounds for Events (warnings, system events)" check box. Press the SPACEBAR to enable this control if you want to be alerted to system events such as the start and/or completion of synchronization or when e-mail arrives in your inbox. The next two controls are similar, except that it applies to program notifications such as reminders and alarms. Be sure to enable both the Programs and Notifications check boxes if you want to use appointment/task reminders and the alarms on the clock. The last control in this dialog box is the "Enable sounds for Hardware buttons" check box. This control is similar to the Typing Echo control in the Keyboard Settings dialog box, except that it is a key click. If you check this box, be sure to move to the accompanying radio buttons where you can use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS to decide how loud you�d like the "clicks" to be.
When you are done with the Sounds page, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Notifications page.
On this page, the Select an Event and the Select How to be Notified, Play Sound controls work in tandem. That is, as you select an event from the combo box, move forward and enable the Play sound check box. Then move to the next control, which is a combo box, and choose the sound you want to hear for this event�s notification. Remember in combo boxes, the UP and DOWN ARROW selects, while DOT 8 activates buttons.
When you are done with these settings, press F1 twice to save and close this dialog box and return to the Today screen.
To adjust the system volume, from any program, press F6+F8 to increase the volume and F3+F7 to decrease the volume. When you use these keystrokes, PAC Mate Omni will announce the current setting and then return to the currently open program.
When you use F6+F8 and F3+F7 to set the volume, it is adjusted in increments of 20 percent between 0 and 100. To adjust the volume in smaller increments, press JAWS Key+S to activate the Settings layer and use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to raise and lower the volume.
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Podešavanja teksta
Use the Text Settings dialog box to set preferences for how JAWS reads various text elements.
To use this dialog box, open the Start menu (F4) and press S to choose Settings. Press T to move to Text Settings and then press DOT 8.
The Say All combo box determines how the PAC Mate Omni reads when you use the Say All command, DOTS 4-5-6-8 CHORD. It also determines the element of text to be spoken when the Fast Forward and Rewind commands, RIGHT ARROW and LEFT ARROW, are used during the Say All to move through your document. Use the cursor cross to make a selection in this combo box. Your choices are:
- Line with Pauses: This option reads by line, pausing slightly at the end of each line. Using the Fast Forward or Rewind commands causes the PAC Mate Omni to stop reading the current line and jump to the next or previous line where it immediately continues reading.
- Line without Pauses: This option allows for smoother reading, pausing only at punctuation marks. As with the Lines with Pauses setting, using the Fast Forward or Rewind commands causes the PAC Mate Omni to stop reading the current line and jump to the next or previous line where it immediately continues reading.
- Sentence: Select this option for applications in which Say All sounds choppy. This moves the pauses between elements to the ends of sentences, and makes the reading sound smoother. Using the Fast Forward or Rewind commands causes the PAC Mate Omni to stop reading the current sentence and jump to the next or previous sentence where it immediately continues reading.
- Paragraph: This inserts an extra pause between paragraphs. Using the Fast Forward or Rewind commands causes the PAC Mate Omni to stop reading the current paragraph and jump to the next or previous paragraph where it immediately continues reading. This option is very useful in large documents as you can fast forward or rewind quickly through the paragraphs without needing to interrupt Say All.
The next control in this dialog box is the Say Blank Lines check box. Use the SPACEBAR to check it if you want blank lines announced when using the Say All command. This control is unchecked by default.
If you want JAWS to speak numeric dates in a different format, use the Numeric Date Processing combo box to select a format. Your choices are:
- No Translation: If this option is selected, numeric dates are read as numbers. This option is selected by default.
- Some Translation: If this option is selected, numeric dates of month followed by day followed by year and separated by slashes or dashes are translated. For example, 03-16-00 is read as "March sixteenth two thousand."
- Full Translation: If this option is selected, numeric dates of month followed by day and separated by slashes or dashes are translated in addition to those dates translated with Some Translation selected. For example, 03-16 is read as "March sixteen."
Use DOTS 4-5 CHORD again to move to the Number Processing combo box. This combo box allows you to determine how numbers are read. Use the cursor cross to make your selection. Your choices are:
- Digits: If this option is selected, numbers are read as a series of single numbers. For example, 123 is read "one two three."
- Pairs: If this option is selected, numbers are read as a series of paired numbers. For example, 1050 is read as "ten fifty." If the number has an odd number of digits, the first digit is read as a single digit and the rest are paired. For example, 123 is read "one twenty three."
- Whole Numbers: If this option is selected, numbers are always read as complete numbers. For example, 123 is read as "one hundred twenty three." Ovo je podrazumevana opcija.
The next control in this dialog box is called Mixed Case Processing. This control causes JAWS to speak words that are joined together with capital letters, such as SayAll, as two words. This check box is enabled by default. To disable, use the SPACEBAR.
Immediately after the Mixed Case Processing check box, is the Speak Dollars check box. With this check box enabled, JAWS reads numbers preceded by a dollar sign ($) in the format of number of dollars and number of cents. For example, $9.95 is read as "nine dollars and ninety five cents." For monetary values less than a dollar, type a zero to the left of the decimal. For example, $0.02 is read as "two cents." This check box is disabled by default.
To close this dialog box, press F1. If you want to explore the other pages in the Settings dialog box, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the other pages.
Početni ekran (Today).
Koristite okvir za dijalog Today za promenu stavki i informacija koje se prikazuju na vašem početnom ekranu (Today Screen) .
Da biste koristili okvir za dijalog Today, idite na početni meni (Start Menu) (F4), idite na podešavanja (Settings) i pritisnite TAČKA 8. Onda, pritisnite T dva puta i TAČKA 8 za otvaranje okvira za dijalog Today.
Napomena: Kada se otvara okvir za dijalog Today, PAC Mate Omni saopštava "Okvir za dijalog Today, izgled stranice (Today dialog box, Appearance page)". Ova stranica omogućava da se promeni izgled Windows Mobile korisnički interfejs i nije podržan u PAC Mate Omni.
Pritisnite TAČKE 5-6 CHORD da se pomerite na stranu sa stavkama (Items page). Koristite četvorostrani pokazivač da se pomerate po listi stavki i pritisnite SPACEBAR da potvrdite ili skinete potvrdu ispred stavki.
Možete da preuredite redosled stavki na početnom ekranu (Today Screen). Koristite četvorostrani pokazivač da odete na svaku stavku na listi. Pritisnite TAČKE 4-5 CHORD da vidite koji od tri dugmeta, pomeri dole, pomeri gore i Opcije postaju dostupne za svaku stavku. Pritisnite TAČKA 8 da aktivirate dugme. Dugme opcije vam omogućava da menjate informacije koje se prikazuje za kalendar i zadatke.
Da biste sačuvali vaša podešavanja i vratili se u okvir za dijalog podešavanja (Settings), pritisnite F1. Da zatvorite okvir za dijalog podešavanja (Settings) i vratite se na početni ekran (Today Screen), pritisnite F1 ponovo.
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Verbosity (pričljivost-govorljivost).
Use the JAWS Verbosity dialog box to set JAWS verbosity levels: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. This determines how much information JAWS speaks.
Go to the Start Menu (F4), move to Settings and press DOT 8. Press V or use the DOWN ARROW to move to Verbosity Settings and press DOT 8.
With the JAWS Verbosity Settings dialog box open, use the cursor cross to select the Verbosity Level. Move to the Preferences button with DOTS 4-5 CHORD and press DOT 8. This opens the Preferences dialog box, where you can choose how much information JAWS speaks. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move about the dialog box. Use the SPACEBAR to check the boxes next to the type of message you want to hear. In the Message Length combo box, use the cursor cross to select long or short. If you want to restore the default settings, move to the Restore Default Settings button and press DOT 8. To close the Preferences dialog box and save the settings, press F1.
Before you exit out of JAWS Verbosity Settings, there are two more controls in this dialog box that you should know about. They are the Tutor Messages and the Access Key Messages. These check boxes are unchecked by default. Tutor Messages provide navigational tips, while Access Key Messages provide information on the access key that moves you directly to a control or to an item in a menu. If you prefer to enable this additional verbosity, use the SPACEBAR to check these controls.
If you want to continue adjusting features on your PAC Mate Omni, return to the Settings dialog box by pressing F1 and use first letter navigation or the cursor cross to move through the list view.
To escape the Settings dialog box, press F1 again.
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Sertifikati - Uverenja.
Certificates establish your identity and the identity of other computers when you are logging onto a secured network. On the PAC Mate Omni, you can store three types of certificates: personal certificates that establish your identity, intermediate certificates that help authenticate other certificates, and root certificates that establish the identity of servers with which you connect.
To access the Certificates multipage dialog box, press F4, S to open the Settings dialog box, then press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the System page. Use arrow keys to move to Certificate and press DOT 8.
On the Personal page of the Certificate dialog box is a list that displays the name of the certificate issuer and the expiration date.
To read more information about a certificate, press DOT 8 on a certificate in the list. To delete a certificate, select a certificate and press the F2 CHORD, and then from the Context Menu choose Delete.
To view intermediate or root certificates, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the particular page and follow the directions given above to read more information or delete a certificate.
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Okvir za dijalog Časovnika ima dva časovnika: jedan za kuću i jedan za posete. Dakle, ako idete u posetu ili imate porodicu koja živi u drugoj vremenskoj zoni možete da podesite svoj časovnik za posete za tu vremensku zonu. Kućni časovnik je namenjen da pokazuje vreme zone u kojoj živite.
To set the time and date on your PAC Mate Omni:
- Open the Start menu (F4) and press S to choose Settings.
- Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the System page, press C twice to select Clock and Alarms, then press DOT 8.
Napomena: You can also access this dialog box from the Today screen by pressing DOT 8 on the time or date items.
- Use the UP or DOWN ARROW to choose the appropriate radio button and view either the Home or Visiting clock. Each clock allows you to change the time zone, the time, and the date.
- Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Time Zone combo box and use UP or DOWN ARROW to select your time zone.
- Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Time field. To move between the hour, minutes, and seconds of the time control, use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS. To set these parameters, use the UP and DOWN ARROWS.
- Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Date field. To move between the day, year, and month of the date control, use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS. To set these parameters, use the UP and DOWN ARROWS.
- When you are finished setting the time and date, press F1. The PAC Mate Omni asks, "Save changes to clock settings?" Select the Yes button to confirm and save the settings.
Korišćenje alarma
This feature accommodates up to three alarm settings and requires that you enable the "Notifications (alarms, reminders) check box in the Sounds & Notifications dialog box. For more information, please see Setting Up PAC Mate Omni, System Sounds & Notifications.
To set an alarm:
- Open the Start menu (F4) and press S to choose Settings.
- Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the System page, press C twice to select Clock and Alarms, then press DOT 8.
Napomena: You can also access this dialog box from the Today screen by pressing DOT 8 on the time or date items.
- Once this dialog box opens, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Alarms page.
- Now, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD once to hear, "Alarm 1 check box not checked." Use the SPACEBAR to select this check box.
- Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD and The next control you encounter is an edit field where you can type in a reason for the alarm. For example, "Wake up."
- To choose how you would like to be notified, DOTS 4-5 CHORD to the Set Notification Sound button and press DOT 8. This opens a new dialog box, which consists of two check boxes and a combo box. Use the appropriate commands to navigate and activate the controls on this page. Use the combo box to select the sound you want to hear when your alarm goes off. When you are done, press F1 to return to the Alarms page.
- The last control to set for the alarm is the day(s) you want it to sound. For instance, you would like your alarm to sound off everyday except Saturday and Sunday. To select Monday through Friday, move to each day with the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW and press the SPACEBAR. You should hear "Monday selected," "Tuesday selected," etc., but for each weekend day you will only hear Saturday and Sunday. To unselect a day, press the SPACEBAR again.
If you want to set Alarm 2 or Alarm 3, select the respective check box and follow the steps above.
Napomena: Only WAV files are displayed in the list of available alarm sounds.
Promena formata vremena
If you prefer reading time in 24 hour format, close the Clock dialog box by pressing F1 to return to the System page in the Settings dialog box. Then open the Regional Settings dialog box by pressing R, DOT 8. Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Time page. To change the time display to 24 hours, choose a time style that starts with a capital "H."
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The Memory dialog box displays information on the available and used memory on your PAC Mate Omni as well as any storage cards or USB thumb drives you have connected. To check memory, open the Start menu (F4), S for Settings, DOTS 5-6 CHORD to the System page, press M to select Memory, and press DOT 8. Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move between the pages in this dialog box and press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move through the various controls on each page. Press F1 when finished.
The Main page displays the internal memory on the PAC Mate Omni. First, It shows the total amount of storage memory installed, how much is currently being used, and how much is free. Storage memory refers to the PAC Mate Omni�s onboard Flash memory where all of your files and installed programs are kept. Next, You will then see the total amount of program memory installed, how much is in use, and how much is free. Program memory refers to the PAC Mate Omni�s internal RAM where the operating system and other installed programs run. Program memory is managed automatically by the operating system. Use the cursor cross to read this information.
The Storage Card page is similar to the Main page except it shows memory information for any storage cards or USB thumb drives that are inserted in your PAC Mate Omni. If you have multiple storage cards inserted, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Storage combo box, press DOT 7+DOWN ARROW to open this combo box, and select the storage card you want to view. If no storage devices are connected, this page is blank.
Oslobađanje Memorije
When a program becomes unstable or when program memory is low, the first step to take is to free memory manually by stopping any active programs on your PAC Mate Omni.
To do this, open the Settings dialog box from the Start Menu (F4, S). Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the System page. Now, press M, DOT 8 to open the Memory multi-page dialog box. Next, move to the Running Programs page. To move to the list view on the Running Programs page press DOTS 4-5 CHORD and select the Program in the list using the DOWN ARROW followed by the SPACEBAR. Press ENTER on the Stop button to stop the currently selected program. Press DOT 8 on the Activate button to switch to the currently selected program. Press DOT 8 on Stop All button to stop all programs currently running on the PAC Mate Omni.
Na primer: Use the keystroke DOT 8 CHORD, M to open the list of running programs in the Memory dialog box from anywhere in the PAC Mate Omni.
The second step would be to store files on a CompactFlash� card. Press F4, move to Programs and press DOT 8. Move to File Explorer and press DOT 8 again. Select the file with the DOWN or UP ARROW, or select multiple files with DOWN or UP ARROW+SPACEBAR. Next, press F2 CHORD and from the context menu, choose Cut and press DOT 8. Press F2, select Show By, then use the DOWN ARROW to select Storage Card and press DOT 8. With Storage Card open, press F2 CHORD again, choose Paste and press DOT 8. For more information on working with File Explorer, please see Using File Explorer.
If the first two steps do not free enough memory, the third step would be to delete unnecessary files. In File Explorer, choose a file(s), press F2 CHORD, and select Delete.
To find and delete your largest files, Go to the Start Menu (F4), move to Programs, and choose Search. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move into the Type combo box, and select Larger than 64 KB, then press DOT 8.
In Internet Explorer, delete all files and clear history.
The last step would be to remove the programs you are not currently using. For more information on removing programs, please see PAC Mate Omni Basics, Removing Programs.
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Use the Power dialog box to view the charging status of the battery and to set the length of time that will expire before the PAC Mate Omni automatically shuts off. When you have finished, press F1 to save your settings.
To open the Power dialog box, press F4, S, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the System page, use the arrow keys to move to Power and press DOT 8.
- The Battery page displays the amount of battery power remaining. How long your battery power lasts depends on how you use your PAC Mate Omni.
- On the Advanced page, you can select options for turning off your PAC Mate Omni to conserve battery power. To conserve the most power, select the Turn off device if not used for check box. If you press DOTS 4-5 CHORD, you will find a combo box that lets you adjust how long the PAC Mate Omni waits before turning off if it is not being used. By default, the PAC Mate Omni will automatically turn off if it is not used for five minutes.
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Postavke snimanja.
Use the Recording Settings dialog box to configure some of the recording functions. When you have finished, press F1 to save your settings.
To open the Recording Settings dialog box, press F4, S. Then, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the System page. Use the cursor cross to select Recording Settings and press DOT 8.
You can use the headset/external microphone jack to create recordings from other audio devices such as cassette recorders, radios, musical instruments, and so on. Use the settings on this page to configure the PAC Mate Omni for maximum flexibility when using the headset/external microphone jack as a line-in recording source. For more information on the headset/external microphone jack, please see Ports.
- Reduce Headset Microphone Level: Use the SPACEBAR to select this choice when you intend to use the headset/external microphone jack as a line-in source without an attenuated patch cord (see below). selecting this item changes the electrical characteristics of the jack so that you can use a standard patch cord (available from most electronics stores) to connect the audio source to your PAC Mate Omni. When selected, the headset microphone and earphone are disabled. This item is cleared by default.
- Monitor Using Headphones: Selecting this item enables you to monitor recordings through headphones as they are being made. This also activates the PAC Mate Omni's built-in microphone, allowing you to insert voiceover notes while recording. This choice is cleared by default.
- Disable Automatic Level Control: Selecting this item disables Automatic Level Control (ALC). This choice is cleared by default, causing ALC to be enabled. If you select this item, there is no way to independently adjust recording volume.
Beleške: If you plan to use the line-in recording feature frequently, you may want to purchase an attenuated patch cord. These cords, available from most electronics stores, decrease the volume level that is sent to the recording circuit of the PAC Mate Omni, reducing the possibility of damage from "overdriving" the circuit. When using an attenuated patch cord, be sure that the headset/external microphone jack is not attenuated.
You will need an adapter plug to convert one end of the regular or attenuated patch cord to a 2.5 mm plug to fit the PAC Mate Omni's headset/external microphone jack.
Freedom Scientific does not provide technical support for any external audio devices other than those included with the unit. While it is unlikely, it is possible that an external device could damage your unit or that an external device could be damaged while using this feature. Damage to your PAC Mate Omni caused by external devices may not be covered under your warranty or Product Maintenance Agreement (PMA). In addition, Freedom scientific assumes no liability for damage to any third party device that may be incurred while using the PAC Mate Omni in this configuration.
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Regionalna podešavanja.
To set your PAC Mate Omni to reflect the currency, time, date and numbers of a specific country, use the Regional Settings dialog box. Windows Mobile has over 80 regional settings to choose from.
You open the Regional Settings dialog box from the Settings list view on the System page. To quickly move to the Regional Settings dialog box from the Today Screen, press F4, S. When the Settings dialog box opens, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the System page. Press R for Regional Settings and DOT 8 to open the dialog box.
The Regional Settings dialog box opens with the Region page active. There is only one control on this page. For this combo box control, use the cursor cross to select a region.
If you want to make further changes or just explore the other pages in this dialog box, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move between pages. To move onto a page and navigate through the controls use DOTS 4-5 CHORD and DOTS 1-2 CHORD. To make a selection in combo boxes, remember to use the UP and DOWN ARROWS.
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The PAC Mate Omni allows beaming of information to and from other infrared compliant devices. The infrared port is active by default. In certain situations or if you are not using the port you may want to consider deactivating it as its activation uses up battery life.
Deactivating the Infrared Port:
- Press F4 to go to the Start Menu.
- Select Settings.
- Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Connections page.
- Move to Beam and then press DOT 8.
- Press SPACEBAR to clear the "Receive all incoming beams" check box.