
Powerful, easy-to-use, cognitive support tool for multi-step tasks

The new StepPad is a powerful yet easy-to-use cognitive support tool for people who have trouble completing multi-step tasks independently. Directions that you record are played back in sequence, one step at a time, to prompt the user on what to do next. The StepPad functions well as both a short-term teaching tool and a long-term adaptive aid.

The ergonomically designed StepPad is extremely portable. It fits nicely into your purse, pocket, and hands—even small ones. The navigation buttons are easy to press with your thumb—like a video game controller. Volume is adjusted on the sides of the device, within quick reach of your index fingers. There’s easy access to two core messages. Use these for especially important information or key expressions. Dual speakers allow the StepPad to be heard in a crowd. Or you can use the headphone jack to keep recordings private.

Here’s how the StepPad works: Press any of the four activity buttons to activate a step-by-step sequence. You can label these buttons with a slide-in overlay plus an auditory cue. Users hear the steps one at a time by pressing the Next button. Press Play to repeat a step. Review previous steps with the Back button.

StepPad lets you record up to 29 steps per activity. There’s an eight activities capacity (four activities, two levels) yielding up to 240 step recordings. But don’t worry, it’s no big deal if you make a mistake. You can re-record any step without affecting other recordings. You can even insert a new step within a sequence while keeping all other steps intact. You can also choose to lock StepPad into just a single activity, reducing the possibility of a user getting “lost” and locking out the record and level changing functions.


Ergonomic design
Eight activities, 30 steps each
Shared recording memory
Quick access to core messages
Headphone jack
Record, level, and activity lock
Built-in lanyard loops and belt loop slot


Vocational tasks
Household chores
Personal routines
School schedule
Cooking procedures
Shopping lists
Activity transitions

Lanyard and Velcro® strap are included.

Size: 6½ x 2 x ½ inches. Weight: 5.3 oz. Two AAA batteries included.

The StepPad is also available with the GoTalk Overlay Software, a great way to make professional looking overlays quickly.

Poreklo USA , Cena:
- StepPad: 50 EUR + PDV (ako se placa) ... Azurirano: 2020-12-29
u Srbiji u dinarima.


Sve cene se za kupce iz Srbije obračunavaju u dinarima po srednjem kursu Narodne banke Srbije na dan izdavanja predračuna. PDV se dodatno obračunava. Gloria Ferrari doo maksimalno koristi sve svoje resurse da Vam svi artikli na sajtu budu prikazani sa ispravnim nazivima, opisima, fotografijama i cenama, ali nažalost ne možemo garantovati da su svi podaci na sajtu u potpunosti ispravni. Svi artikli prikazani na ovom sajtu su deo naše ponude i ne podrazumeva se da su svi dostupni u svakom trenutku na našem lageru. Tačne podatke sa rokovima isporuke dobijate u predračunu. Zadržavamo pravo promene cena svih proizvoda i usluga, bez prethodne najave na sajtu.