Desktop Video Magnifier

Brilliant Magnified Images with Easy-to-Use Controls. TOPAZ EZ is simply uncomplicated magnification, with your choice of standard and high-definition (HD) models. The economical TOPAZ EZ emphasizes ease of use with single-function controls and a standard-definition camera. For increased clarity and lower magnification, the TOPAZ EZ HD has all the features of the standard-definition TOPAZ EZ but with an HD camera to provide superior image quality, a wider field of view, and a lower magnification range.

  • TOPAZ EZ magnifying a medicine bottle. Clicking the thumbnail shows the larger image.
  • TOPAZ EZ magnifying a Sudoku game. Clicking the thumbnail shows the larger image.
  • A side view of TOPAZ EZ. Clicking the thumbnail shows the larger image.
  • TOPAZ EZ control panel. Clicking the thumbnail shows the larger image.



  • Magnification to 78 times (on a 24-inch monitor with the HD system)
  • Choice of monitor sizes: widescreen 20-inch or 24-inch
  • Custom high-contrast color modes
  • Color-boost contrast
  • Brightly-colored control buttons
  • Over 8 inches of working space to write and work comfortably
  • Comfortable swivel screen
  • LED lighting reduces glare
  • One-touch button to freeze images
 Poreklo USA, cene:
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- : + PDV (ako se placa)
- : + PDV (ako se placa)
- TOPAZ EZ HD Desktop Video Magnifier: 3200 USD + PDV (ako se placa) ... Azurirano: 2024-09-23
u Srbiji u dinarima.

- Brošura (pdf) za TOPAZ EZ desktop video magnifier

- TOPAZ EZ User's Guide (PDF)

- TOPAZ EZ Control Panel Reference Card (PDF)


Sve cene se za kupce iz Srbije obračunavaju u dinarima po srednjem kursu Narodne banke Srbije na dan izdavanja predračuna. PDV se dodatno obračunava. Gloria Ferrari doo maksimalno koristi sve svoje resurse da Vam svi artikli na sajtu budu prikazani sa ispravnim nazivima, opisima, fotografijama i cenama, ali nažalost ne možemo garantovati da su svi podaci na sajtu u potpunosti ispravni. Svi artikli prikazani na ovom sajtu su deo naše ponude i ne podrazumeva se da su svi dostupni u svakom trenutku na našem lageru. Tačne podatke sa rokovima isporuke dobijate u predračunu. Zadržavamo pravo promene cena svih proizvoda i usluga, bez prethodne najave na sajtu.